Fluid Must Flow

Adds very large pipes with enormous throughput capabilities.

11 months ago
0.17 - 1.1
Logistics Fluids

g Straight Duct in Inventory

4 years ago

When picking up straight duct or long straight duct is it intentional that is doesn't break-down into small straight duct pieces in your inventory? I believe there should at least be a recipe to do this if it isn't done automatically. I find it annoying that I'm constantly carrying around at least 3 slots worth of what to me should be the same item.

Linver β˜†
4 years ago

If u have the "auto join" option active, they will be break in small parts automatically when mined, otherwise I suppose that the players want use parts divided in each category (or exist another reason for don't have that option active?). I don't want add too much redundant recipes, the basic pieces is very easy to construct, and with the "auto join" option players can choise this. I'm sorry.

4 years ago

Fixed in version 1.1.1; In version 1.1.0 long and medium duct segments weren't breaking down when picked up. Thanks!