Deadlock's Stacking Beltboxes deprecated

Migration mod for combined Deadlock's Stacking Beltboxes & Compact Loaders mod, please download required dependency deadlock-beltboxes-loaders and load any older saves at least once with this migration mod still present.

5 years ago
0.16 - 0.17
7 years ago
Latest Version:
1.7.4 (5 years ago)
Factorio version:
0.16 - 0.17
Downloaded by:
80 users

As of 0.17, Deadlock's Stacking Beltboxes have been combined into the same mod as Deadlock's Compact Loaders

Here's what you need to know for the new version:

  • If you're starting a new game, you only need the new mod; if you're using the inter-mod support to add beltboxes for Bob's belts or another mod, also download the separate integration mod.
  • If you have an existing save with beltboxes, you should also update to the latest version of this mod (DeadlockStacking) and make sure that it's enabled for the first time you load each older save. Starting the game with both mods present will migrate the save to work with the new combined mod - your beltboxes and stacked items will disappear if you don't have DeadlockStacking enabled during the first load of the save under 0.17!


Deadlock Technologies have done it again, bringing a new kind of special loving to belts. Try the incredible Stacking Beltbox, an inline 5x electric stacker that doesn't require crates, barrels, or pallets, and doesn't even need to be configured. Just plonk it down between belt loaders and away it goes. Repeat just before your assembling lines to unstack again. Wave goodbye to those 32-lane buses.

Is 5x compression not enough for you? Want 10x, 20x, 40x? You greedy little urchin. Try Deadlock's Crating Machine, all the joys of intense belt compression but with a metric butt-tonne of added hassle and expense!

Third party add-ons

Inter-mod support

If you want to make your mod's items (or someone else's) stackable in Stacking Beltboxes, an easy-to-use pack of functions is exposed so you can stack your own mod's items easily. See the readme file inside the zip.


  • Loaders are recommended. Vanilla inserters can work but you will have difficulty compressing the faster belts.
  • Beltboxes require power.
  • Research is required to progress the finesse and speed of beltboxes.
  • Only raw resources and some intermediate products can be stacked (unless another mod enabled more).
  • You can hand-unstack stacks (e.g. when they accidentally get into your inventory), but you can't hand-stack stacks.
  • Each tier of beltbox can handle a fully compressed belt of the same tier.
  • Beltboxes don't need to have a recipe set. They automatically work with whatever you put in. If they get blocked by stray items getting onto the belt, open them and remove the blocking item.
  • Stacked items don't work in crafting recipes. They must be unstacked first.
  • Stacked fuels do work as fuel. There's no bonus from that, except not having to unstack them.
  • Stacks don't increase inventory density (e.g. chests, trains, player inventory). 100 base items occupy the same number of inventory slots whether stacked or not. DSB tries to react to stack size changes from other mods.
  • Higher tier beltboxes are available if Xander Mod, Bob's Logistics or Factorio-Extended (Transport) are installed.

Reporting bugs and FAQ

If you have questions or want to report a bug, use the forum thread. Check out the FAQ in the top post.