Cosmicon is mod about space... now is not but i'll develop it :)
If you found bug or want to add/change something in mod write in discussion page about it
-I'll add "pocket dimension generator" that will generate new floor like in factorissimo. You can change its size in its gui. There will be 4 lvls of generator. It will be in 0.0.3 update.
-I'll add "fast mining drill" 4 lvls soon.
-I'll add "fast furnace" 4 lvls soon.
-I'll add jetpack soon.
-I'll add new armour and new kinds of wearpon soon.
-I'll add advanced power poles soon.
-I'll add new big furnaces that melt ores into fluids and then special machine shape it into ingot and then into plates soon.
-In the end of game you need to create special singulatiry generator and reach singularity.