Configurable Vehicles

Lets you customize the properties of the vanilla vehicles.

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Transportation Trains Cheats
8 months ago
Latest Version:
1.1.4 (3 months ago)
Factorio version:
1.1 - 2.0
Downloaded by:
442 users

Note for anyone who used version 1.1.1 on 2.0: In Vanilla, the default remote driving setting for Tanks is true. Version 1.1.1 of my mod erroneously had this setting set to false by default. The default is fixed now, but it may not apply if you already had the mod installed, so check your settings if you want Wube's intended value. You should get a notification in-game about this when you load a save that was saved with 1.1.1 installed.

This mod allows you to configure many of the properties of vanilla vehicles. The settings can all be viewed in the screenshots above. By default, everything is turned off as this mod is meant for tweaking vehicles to your personal preference. The default values of the settings should all be the vanilla values so if any are wrong, please submit a bug report as instructed below.

Note that any changes to the weapon settings will affect any other modded vehicles that use the same weapons.

Some mods may override this mod's settings if they load after. If you find any, feel free to submit a bug report and I can add them as an optional dependency to force this mod to load after.

I tried to include every property that could be useful but this mod does not cover absolutely everything. If you believe a setting should be added, feel free to suggest one by submitting a Github issue or in the discussions section.

Submitting a bug report:

Either leave a message in the discussions section of this mod, or create an issue in the Github repository (preferred) about the bug you wish to report.

See also:

Give me back my machine gun, dammit! - My other mod, which re-adds the machine gun and flamethrower to tanks if they are not found.