
Build along a curve.

7 months ago
Combat Circuit network Blueprints Cheats

g Thanks for the 0.1.1 update!

6 months ago

Thank you for implementing my request (and so quickly). It's nice to be able to use Bézierio to create curved pathways, as well as walls, and to use more materials. It's a bit strange that some items don't work (such as some of the Dectorio tile types), but I guess that's down to the quirkiness of Factorio and/or the mods I'm using. In any case, you've provided a lot more choice for builders.

For me, the method of creating a nice curve can be a bit tricky, and it's a bit too slow to use it in my main real-time game. But I've found that it can be very relaxing to save the main game, and start a separate map in creative mode, and just experiment with what Bézierio can do without any time pressures. I've already designed some nice curved corners for my base defences and blueprinted them for later use. And with the 0.1.1 update, they now have paths and roadways parallel to the wall for my character to run/drive on.

And the fact that you've included the correct accent in the name allows me to check that the Powertoys 'Quick Accent' feature works properly on my PC!

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