
Build along a curve.

7 months ago
Combat Circuit network Blueprints Cheats

g Interesting !

9 months ago

One can use the mod as a tool in editor to make blueprints of drawing or letter to reuse for no UPS cost later.

I was interested after learning that splines are used for trains positions in the expansion. One can make wall following curve rails :)

8 months ago
(updated 8 months ago)

I'm definitely going to be experimenting with this, mainly to create better blueprints "outside" the game.

7 months ago

can it place ghosts instead of creating entities out of thin air? maybe it does that already, i can't tell from the description ... but this thread implies it doesn't

7 months ago

I'm glad that there are people finding utility of this mod, it's definitely more of an editor type of mod, but as is, it places ghosts, and can be used in a normal gameplay.

6 months ago

I saw this new mod : https://mods.factorio.com/mod/circular-roboports and it reminded me of this one i think they would work great together :)

a month ago

This mod is a really cool idea! I'm not sure if I would need it for anything and I'm not really playing actively right now but I kind of want to start playing again just to try this mod anyways. I love using Recursive Blueprints+ and similar circuit controlled factory building/controlling mods and I have an idea for a mod that has some similarities to RE+ and this that I've considered making so this topic is a favorite for me.

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