Asimov Mod

Alternative Factorio, slightly changed rules, primarly to be more scientifically correct. Mass storage building, substations have a large supply area, new chemical ammonium nitrate, more use for wood, charcoal recipe, sulphur is gained from oil and coal instead of gas. Additionally makes building up and planning in the earlier stages easier. Don't use on existing savefiles, mixing with other technology tree changing mods will probably make the game unplayable.

1 year, 9 months ago
Transportation Manufacturing Power Storage
The Unlicense (Public Domain)
2 years ago
Latest Version:
1.1.3 (1 year, 9 months ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
161 users

Slightly changed rules and recipes, simple warehouse (needs better graphic), substations with much larger supply area, new chemical ammonium nitrate, see list below. Could cause issues with mods that are changing the research tree, it makes some research paths more logical. Feedback is welcome.

Compatible/tested with "Adjustable Personal Roboport Range", "Vibrant Trains", "Repair Turret", "Pollution Visuals", "Circuit Power Measurement Combinator", Holographic Signs".

New: electric boilers (for low-tech solar power storage), some colour signals resp. lights. Not 100% compatible to 1.1.2 - refineries might be rearranged for coal liquefaction a.o.t., solar panels recipe changed - but existing savefiles won't be really broken.

  • Some early-game researches made much cheaper/easier
  • Rearrangements of the technology tree, especially for chemistry
  • Fluid colours changed to look more naturally, tough still distinguishable
  • New colour signal orange + lights for all colour signals
  • New building "warehouse", a 6x6 tiles large storage building resp. "giant chest"
  • Substations are bigger, covering a much larger area and are really useful
  • Rail signals made brighter to recognise their state
  • Fast underground belts have the range of express underground belts
  • Option to leave locomotives on the right side
  • Tank has much more hitpoints
  • Steel furnaces are the basis of electric furnaces and same sized
  • Railway tracks available from the beginning (aiding planning)
  • Railway automation & signals put together in one research
  • Solar panels are now a cheap early-game current source
  • Sulfur is now a waste product of refining, gained from coal and crude oil
  • Sulfur has a very low density and could be compressed for storage
  • Sulfuric acid only requires water and sulfur, bigger output
  • Explosives now need ammonium nitrate, crafted from coal and water
  • Wooden chests renamed "crate"
  • Recipe for crates made out of plastic bars if in lack of wood
  • Landfill needs less stones and "looks better"
  • Refined concrete renamed "ferroconcrete" and needs less concrete to craft
  • Electric furnaces are easier to craft and faster to research
  • Electric furnaces require much more power
  • Electric furnaces are smelting faster than steel furnaces
  • Piercing rounds need less material but more time
  • Higher damage of piercing rounds ammo => turrets
  • Changed oil product ratios, solid fuel costs, cracking gain
  • Advanced oil processing now using steam instead of water
  • Electric boiler added, producing steam; for low-tech energy storage
  • Added "charcoal" recipe; "smelting" raw wood to coal
  • Coal has now the double burning value of 8 MJ
  • Heavy-oil-cracking now has petroleum gas as by-product
  • Plastic bars are crafted only out of petroleum gas
  • New recipe "flaring gas" to get rid of petroleum gas
  • New recipe "cracking solid fuel" allowing to gain oils and gas from solid fuel
  • Grenades need less coal
  • Batteries additionally need plastic bars to be crafted
  • Engine units require lubricant
  • Electric engine units don't need further lubricant but copper wires
  • Chemical science pack needs explosives, batteries and advanced circuits
  • Pumps require electric engines
  • Rocket fuel is crafted in chemical plant
  • Rocket fuel has a more correct, higher burning value
  • Rocket fuel additionally requires ammonium nitrate
  • 4 "tag items" added to aid controlling of smart train stations
  • "disable" "tag item" added for marking slots or inventories as blocked