Age of Production for extended planets (Depreceted) deprecated

by sylee87

(This mode is now merged to Age of Production main code) Age of Production's high tech buildings requires more various planet mod science-packs if that planet mod is installed

20 days ago
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(This mode is now merged to Age of Production main code)

At first, Thanks to the AndreusAxolotl who made a wonderful mode "Age of Production"

This mode is aimed for users who use AoP with various mod planets.
if you want to feel more dramatic technology improvement after you conquer a new planet, then try this mod.

I have changed technology requirements for AoP high-tech building to require various mod planets with make sense


1) If corrundum is installed

Arc furnace: require Corrundum's science pack (+ originally with Vulcanus science pack)
Petrochemistry: require Corrundum's science pack (+ originally with Fulgora science pack)

Corundum is a planet surrounded by thick sulfuric acid. Develop electrochemical technology here and combine metallurgy and electromagnetic technology with electrochemical technology. It will provide high-productivity equipment, although it will generate high pollution.

2) If Maraxsis is installed

Greenhouse : require maraxsis's science pack (+ originally with Aquilo science pack)
hydraulic plant : require maraxsis's science pack instead of aquilo's one (but still need lithum)
core mining : require maraxsis's science pack (+ origially need promethium pack)

Applying Maraxsis' high pressure dome technology to greenhouses will allow plants to be grown in any environment. Research into hydraulics also allows for advanced fluid handling facilities.

3) If Tenebris is installed

Advanced assembling machine : require Tenebris's science pack, should be made from tenebris
Quantum machinary : require Tenebris's science pack (+ origially need promethium pack)

Tenebris' bioluminescent infusion technology allows any installation to operate at higher speeds. Now it's time to bring that technology out of Tenebris. The most advanced assembly machines will be built using the technology from this dark and mysterious planet.

4) If secretas&Frozeta is installed

Electromechanics : require Frozeta's science pack (+ originally with Aquilo science pack)
advanced recycler : require Frozeta's science pack (+ originally with Aquilo science pack), should be made from Frozeta

The planet Frozeta is a harsh land full of spaceship debris. Using the gold you can obtain here, you will be able to build a new electromechanical facility with a huge number of module spaces. Also, take the recycling technology established on Fulgora to the next level.

5) If terrapalus is installed

Hybrid : require items made by palusium, because this planet does not have own science pack

The environment of this moon where Biter and Pentapod coexist is truly unique. What is the source of the coexistence of two completely different species? If we discover a unique blue-emitting mineral here, we may be able to find the answer.

6) If castra is installed

Armory : require castra's science pack (+ originally with Vulcanus science pack)
Armory should be made from castra, the recipe is also appropriately changed.
Atomic Enricher : It originally requires nuke, so castra mod already changed unlocking tech after travelling to castra

Find new ways to increase ammunition productivity on the battlefield planet Castra.
Forge from the original castra mod no longer provides 25% productivity. (It still provides 10% quality, making it suitable for making weapons)
Armory in AoP mode provides higher ammo productivity at lower power, making it ideal for making ammo.

All of these change does not applied if the relevant planet mod is not installed.

This mod is a simple technology tweak, so it will be work well.
But I am not good at mod design, so let me know there is an error happened.