Yuoki Industries - Engines (Addon)

additional/alternate power generation, MF, agriculture in a different way

3 days ago
0.13 - 2.0
Mining Fluids Manufacturing Power

i Standalone

4 years ago

I really love the concept of movement introduced with your mod to generate electricity. Would it be possible for you to make this an independent version of your main mod? In particular, make a mod: "overhaul of electricity generation"

Because I like your main mod but it introduces a lot of different concepts. I think users will be able to enjoy your work better if they can better understand the features they are adding to their game / server. In addition, this mod would be very complementary to krastorio I think

Hope you will be interested in making this suggestion

4 years ago

it uses atm many parts from yuoki-industries. i'am not sure if standalone is a big improvement and has enough benefits. but never say never.

4 years ago

yes obviously that uses a lot of yuoki-industries element. And certainly that to make it a standalone, it will be necessary to integrate certain elements of yuoki-industries into it.

But I sincerely think that it will be an added value. In particular, krastorio 2 changes the aim of the game to focus on generating electricity. However, Krastorio doesn't change the means of energy production much until the end of the game. I honestly think your mod is great from that point of view. A yuoki-energy mod that would simply take the elements of yuoki-industries and yuoki-engine by adapting the recipes to make it a standalone would be a factorio staple in my opinion.

Beyond offering in itself a quality mod for the community, I think this overhaul of the energy would be a good introduction to your main mod (yuoki-industry), which as you know, gives an experience very far from the game basic. It will be like a transition before we go further in

hope you will find the interest. And I hope to see more yuoki mods in the future, it's really cool your work;)

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