When I insert the required items into e.g. a Damaged Assembly Machine, no announcements or timers begin and no items are consumed.
Screenshot example: https://imgur.com/a/pgkMeCs
No clue what's up as there are no messages or errors; I've had a couple work but more often than not it simply does nothing.
Mod list:
Alien Biomes
Bottleneck Light
Even Distribution Light
Explosive Biters
Extended Description
Factorio Crash Site
Factorio Library
Factory Search
Frost Biters
Lane Balancer
Mining Patch Planner
Mouse-over Construction
New Game+
Planetorio Expansion Planets
RPG System
Toxic Biters
Warptorio2 Expansion
I don't think anything in here interacts with the items the Damage Assembly Machine requests but I could be mistaken.