Warptorio2 Expansion

This mod is an expansion for Warptorio 2. DON'T PANIC! Adds missions on the planets you visit, required to unlock technologies. Also adds some big Bosses, more planets, and a loyal robotic companion.

11 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

b Required Items Quest Does Not Complete

a month ago

When I insert the required items into e.g. a Damaged Assembly Machine, no announcements or timers begin and no items are consumed.

Screenshot example: https://imgur.com/a/pgkMeCs

No clue what's up as there are no messages or errors; I've had a couple work but more often than not it simply does nothing.

Mod list:
Alien Biomes
Bottleneck Light
Even Distribution Light
Explosive Biters
Extended Description
Factorio Crash Site
Factorio Library
Factory Search
Frost Biters
Lane Balancer
Mining Patch Planner
Mouse-over Construction
New Game+
Planetorio Expansion Planets
RPG System
Toxic Biters
Warptorio2 Expansion

I don't think anything in here interacts with the items the Damage Assembly Machine requests but I could be mistaken.

New response