Warptorio2 Expansion

This mod is an expansion for Warptorio 2. DON'T PANIC! Adds missions on the planets you visit, required to unlock technologies. Also adds some big Bosses, more planets, and a loyal robotic companion.

11 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Factory Floor. Am I doing something wrong?

9 months ago

I hope someone can help me with this.
I've been playing for about 4 hours now, and found many Warp Factory Floor components, but so far they are all asking for stuff I am not even close to (batteries and blue chips mostly).
Am I just unlucky to not have found something that is possible?

Also if this is the way it intents to work, it might be helpful for these things to only require researched technologies.


6 months ago

I have had the same issue. Me and a friend of mine have counted up to 13 worlds with each one needed batteries or blues to be able to use the factory floor. If you found a solution please let us know.

New response