Warptorio2 Expansion

This mod is an expansion for Warptorio 2. DON'T PANIC! Adds missions on the planets you visit, required to unlock technologies. Also adds some big Bosses, more planets, and a loyal robotic companion.

11 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

i [FIXED] AAI Industry compatibility

1 year, 7 days ago

Currently playing Warptorio 2 with AAI Industry creates an odd situation: you have to research the "Electric lab" technology to unlock the critical starter technologies (as usual), but the technology doesn't actually do anything, and the broken lab is useless since you can't power it.

You can still place down a burner lab, and research on it, so it's not a softlock, but the start of the game doesn't really make sense.

1 year, 7 days ago

That should be fixed now.

New response