Warptorio2 Expansion

This mod is an expansion for Warptorio 2. DON'T PANIC! Adds missions on the planets you visit, required to unlock technologies. Also adds some big Bosses, more planets, and a loyal robotic companion.

11 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

b [BUG] Warp strider uncraftable with staged-rocketsilo mod

1 year, 6 months ago

as title descripes warp strider cant be crafted unless a rocket silo is spawned in while using the staged rocket silo mod. (wich did seem compatable since marvin has interaction with it).

1 year, 7 days ago

This is still a thing. I also thought this would be an appropriate place to report as it recommends Rocket-Silo Construction as an optional dependency, plus being the same owner.

Otherwise, I could report it on either side.

New response