Warptorio2 Expansion

This mod is an expansion for Warptorio 2. DON'T PANIC! Adds missions on the planets you visit, required to unlock technologies. Also adds some big Bosses, more planets, and a loyal robotic companion.

11 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

g [FIXED] Compatibility with BZ

2 years ago

I have been playing warptorio 2 with the BZ modpack (after fixing some issues with ore generation in warptorio) and I am now looking at maybe trying it with this expansion. Unfortunately I can immediately see some compatibility issues since BZ locks electronic circuits behind research so I can't repair the lab.

I don't expect a fix for an arbitrary modpack (especially since warptorio itself does not work out of the box with it), however I am interested and should be able to fix this myself. However, without a repository to contribute back to that leaves me with having to download the mod from the portal and hack/fork it separately.

I'd be happy to contribute changes back if that is desired and possible but depending on how I far might take this (I'd need to tweak warptorio itself as well I believe) it might be better to fork it regardless. Either way I wanted to keep you informed.

1 year, 27 days ago

I realize this post is very old, but this should be fixed on the BZ side now. Unlocking the lab requires just Iron Plate, Iron Gear Wheels, and 50 Repair Packs.

1 year, 9 days ago

@brevven I'm slightly embarrassed that I only saw your post now; I had independently realized that there was a compatibility issue, which should be fixed now — the broken lab quest should now require aluminum cable (instead of copper) and solder (instead of green chips), and it generally checks and skips any items that might be not available at the beginning of the game.

(This change also renames the broken lab, so your compatibility code is not necessary anymore; feel free to remove it from the BZ side of things.)

New response