Warptorio2 Expansion

This mod is an expansion for Warptorio 2. DON'T PANIC! Adds missions on the planets you visit, required to unlock technologies. Also adds some big Bosses, more planets, and a loyal robotic companion.

11 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Planetary mobile teleporter cant charge mission objectives

3 years ago

I upgraded the planetary teleporter electricity so it could transmit 5 MW of power, but it doesn't supply any power to the warp machine generator objectives when I place it nearby and connect with power poles. Is this intentional? It seems to only act as an accumulator and the warp machine generator doesn't have a draw for it?

3 years ago

The teleporter cant charge power missions, as accumulators dont charge each other. You have to generate power near the mission object.

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