
Factorio but you build your factory in a restricted space that teleports yourself, the platform, and everything on it to a new and uncharted planet in an unknown corner of space, time and the universe while constantly under attack from enemies. This mod increases the difficulty of factorio by making construction harder and making biters a more significant threat, resulting in a unique experience of factorio'ing in a tight space and under pressure, almost like a tower defence game.

1 year, 10 months ago
0.17 - 1.1
Combat Environment

b Crash when using warploader

3 years ago

I get a crash in the save https://thuejk.dk/warptorio2_crash.zip when I place the missing belt to feed the warploader.

The mod Warptorio2 (1.3.4) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event warptorio2::on_tick (ID 0)
LuaTransportLine API call when LuaTransportLine was invalid.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'index'
/control_main_helpers.lua:757: in function 'InsertWarpLane'
warptorio2/control_main_helpers.lua:775: in function 'OutputWarpLoader'
warptorio2/control_main_helpers.lua:761: in function 'DistributeLoaderLine'
warptorio2/control_main_helpers.lua:785: in function 'TickWarploaders'
warptorio2/control_main_helpers.lua:817: in function 'b'
warptorio2/lib/lib_control.lua:281: in function <warptorio2/lib/lib_control.lua:281>

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Have you placed warp loaders on previous planets set to output iron ore?

** Duplicate of https://mods.factorio.com/mod/warptorio2/discussion/5f69f72a8797194da1556e89 however this thread contains code work.

3 years ago

I don't think so, but I might misremember. But note that the save puts the avatar on the homeworld, with the platform on a later planet.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I found a bug in warp loader. You MUST config the out-loader first. Otherwise it will throw an exception.
I think it is the code cant' find loader to transfer input items
There's similar things in teleport to homeworld. If you don't set a homeworld. Teleporting to homeworld will cause an exception.

There will throw an exception too when there's no storage space for the output of warp loader.

The mod Warptorio2 (1.3.5) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event warptorio2::on_tick (ID 0)
LuaTransportLine API call when LuaTransportLine was invalid.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'index'
warptorio2/control_main_helpers.lua:757: in function 'InsertWarpLane'
warptorio2/control_main_helpers.lua:775: in function 'OutputWarpLoader'
warptorio2/control_main_helpers.lua:761: in function 'DistributeLoaderLine'
warptorio2/control_main_helpers.lua:785: in function 'TickWarploaders'
warptorio2/control_main_helpers.lua:817: in function 'b'
warptorio2/lib/lib_control.lua:281: in function <warptorio2__/lib/lib_control.lua:281>

3 years ago

I found a bug in warp loader. You MUST config the out-loader first. Otherwise it will throw an exception.
I think it is the code cant' find loader to transfer input items
There's similar things in teleport to homeworld. If you don't set a homeworld. Teleporting to homeworld will cause an exception.

There will throw an exception too when there's no storage space for the output of warp loader.

All of this is incorrect.

Crash is caused by some problems with the cache, filters with loaders are not cleared from the cache correctly when they're destroyed or changed.


I also found an unrelated problem where cloned warp loaders do not appear to be added to the cache.

So there's a bunch of cache problems with the warp loaders.

3 years ago

I am getting this error too, otherwise great mod so far, my friends and I love it.

It seems to throw an error when I try to unload a mixed belt with more than one warp loader, as soon as the second unloader gets the first item -> crash.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I believe the issue is precisely with:

function warploader.dofilters(e)
        local tp=e.loader_type
        local wpg=global.warploaders
                for i=1,2,1 do table.RemoveByValue(wpg.output,e.get_transport_line(i)) end 
                for k,v in pairs(wpg.outputf)do for i=1,2,1 do table.RemoveByValue(v,e.get_transport_line(i)) end  end
                for a=1,2,1 do table.insertExclusive(global.warploaders.input,e.get_transport_line(a)) end
                local ct=global.warploaders.outputf
                local hf=false
                for i=1,5,1 do local f=e.get_filter(i) if(f)then hf=true
                        ct[f]=ct[f] or {} ct=ct[f] for a=1,2,1 do table.insertExclusive(ct,e.get_transport_line(a)) end
                end end
                if(not hf)then
                        for a=1,2,1 do table.insertExclusive(global.warploaders.output,e.get_transport_line(a)) end
                for a=1,2,1 do table.RemoveByValue(global.warploaders.input,e.get_transport_line(a)) end

and it should instead be:

function warploader.dofilters(e)
        local tp=e.loader_type
        for a=1,2,1 do table.RemoveByValue(global.warploaders.input,e.get_transport_line(a)) end
        for i=1,2,1 do table.RemoveByValue(global.warploaders.output,e.get_transport_line(i)) end 
        for k,v in pairs(global.warploaders.outputf) do for i=1,2,1 do table.RemoveByValue(v,e.get_transport_line(i)) end end
                for a=1,2,1 do table.insertExclusive(global.warploaders.input,e.get_transport_line(a)) end
                local ct=global.warploaders.outputf
                local hf=false
                for i=1,5,1 do local f=e.get_filter(i) if(f)then hf=true
                        ct[f]=ct[f] or {} ct=ct[f] for a=1,2,1 do table.insertExclusive(ct,e.get_transport_line(a)) end
                end end
                if(not hf)then
                        for a=1,2,1 do table.insertExclusive(global.warploaders.output,e.get_transport_line(a)) end

as, for example, adding a filter to a filterless warp loader doesn't currently remove it from the global filterless list, but does add it to the filtered item's list (as dofilters only sees the updated warp loader, not its previous state, and so should not be basing its removals on the current state). Then at destroy time it only gets moved from the filtered item's list as it shouldn't be in anything else, so it stays in the filterless list and then later on an incoming item is sent to the non-existent warp loader.

This also explains why filters aren't currently respected by warp loaders on overflow; even after adding a filter its presence in the global filterless list means it will still receive overflow items of any kind.

3 years ago

I was able to fix it.

There were no fewer than 3 separate issues in control_main_helpers.lua that would cause crashes. jrtc27's post fixes one of them that reliably causes some issues/crashes, but there's another crash that happens when using multiple filters on one loader (see the "ct=ct[f]" statement in that same function), and another that unreliably causes crashes due to not correctly resetting the iterators used for distribution.

I have a fixed lua file now that makes the loaders work without crashing. Pyrofire, if you're reading this, is there a way I can send it to you?

3 years ago

Could you please send me the code for the fixes MartianInvader? I'm playing with my partner are also having this issue.

3 years ago

After using jrtc27's fix to the above error and playing a bit: https://i.imgur.com/TXSewR3.png

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

If there's anyway for me to delete existing warp loaders with a command, so I can just avoid playing with warp loaders until there's a fix?
Edit: Looks like the crash log is still identical after the other code was applied.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

as, for example, adding a filter to a filterless warp loader doesn't currently remove it from the global filterless list, but does add it to the filtered item's list (as dofilters only sees the updated warp loader, not its previous state, and so should not be basing its removals on the current state). Then at destroy time it only gets moved from the filtered item's list as it shouldn't be in anything else, so it stays in the filterless list and then later on an incoming item is sent to the non-existent warp loader.

This appears to be correct.

This also explains why filters aren't currently respected by warp loaders on overflow; even after adding a filter its presence in the global filterless list means it will still receive overflow items of any kind.

Good catch.
I have implemented fixes based on the findings in this thread for next update.

function warploader.dofilters(e)
    local tp=e.loader_type
    local lanes={e.get_transport_line(1),e.get_transport_line(2)}
    for k,v in pairs(global.warploaders.outputf)do for i=1,2,1 do table.RemoveByValue(v,lanes[i]) end end
    if(tp~="output")then --if(tp=="input")then
        for i=1,2,1 do table.RemoveByValue(global.warploaders.output,lanes[i]) end
        for i=1,2,1 do table.insertExclusive(global.warploaders.input,lanes[i]) end
    else --if(tp=="output")then
        local ct=global.warploaders.outputf
        local hf=false
        for i=1,5,1 do local f=e.get_filter(i) if(f)then hf=true
            ct[f]=ct[f] or {} for a=1,2,1 do table.insertExclusive(ct[f],lanes[a]) end
        end end
            for i=1,2,1 do table.RemoveByValue(global.warploaders.output,lanes[i]) end
            for a=1,2,1 do table.insertExclusive(global.warploaders.output,lanes[a]) end
        for a=1,2,1 do table.RemoveByValue(global.warploaders.input,lanes[a]) end

Additional reports list:

It is likely all the crashes related to warp loaders stem from this same issue.

New response