Pollution: Impactful Smog / Spore Cloud

Pollution appears as a visible smog (or spore) cloud, covering your factory. The more you pollute, the less you can see. Optionally reduce solar power effectiveness based on how much pollution is over each panel, to promote placing panels far away from heavily polluted areas.

27 days ago

b error with planet picker

3 days ago
(updated 3 days ago)

The mod Planet picker (0.4.3) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event planet-picker::on_player_created (ID 28)
The mod Pollution: Impactful Smog / Spore Cloud (1.3.1) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event visible-pollutants::on_player_changed_position (ID 94)
visible-pollutants/scripts/proximity.lua:126: attempt to index local 'last_player_cell' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
visible-pollutants/scripts/proximity.lua:126: in function 'add_sprites_near_player_if_moved'
visible-pollutants/scripts/proximity.lua:112: in function 'add_sprites_near_players_if_moved'
visible-pollutants/control.lua:63: in function <visible-pollutants/control.lua:62>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'teleport'
planet-picker/control.lua:42: in function <planet-picker/control.lua:28>

i suggest adding
"if not last_player_cell then return end"
to proximity.lua line 125 which seems to fix the issue

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