Pollution: Impactful Smog / Spore Cloud

Pollution appears as a visible smog (or spore) cloud, covering your factory. The more you pollute, the less you can see. Optionally reduce solar power effectiveness based on how much pollution is over each panel, to promote placing panels far away from heavily polluted areas.

27 days ago

b [Resolved] mod settings missing

28 days ago

the settings for your mod do not show up in the mod settings menu.

this has been this way since I started using the mod on v1.1.2 I am now on 1.3.0

28 days ago

I am not sure about how that is possible. Can you share a screenshot of what you're seeing, to show where you think they should be?

27 days ago

Nevermind I was scrolling to get you a screenshot and saw it. I was expecting it to be named Visual Pollution as that is what I saw in th mod-settings.dat file after I could not find it the first time I looked.

I do have a question about a setting if you do not mind. "Animated Batch Size" Does it affect the onscreen visible animation quality/smoothness? If I set it to 5 am I going to see a marked decrease in visual quality?

27 days ago

There is basically a sprite per chunk, so think about it according to how many chunks you can see. That number is how many are processed on each tick. The default roughly covers a zoomed out view, so that all are updated. Smaller numbers create a queue/backlog, so perhaps the top left area is handled, then the bottom right on the next time. It's less about quality, and more about smooth changes. It shouldn't get jittery, more like reacting slower. The previous default was 10; since it's one of the "hardest" things that happens, it has the most impact on UPS, I think. That said, in my tests, it's all still quite fast. If you're tweaking for performance reasons, I'd like your input/results if you think it could help.

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