Vanilla Galore Continued

Adds over 110 unique and balanced alternate recipes to VANILLA!

3 hours ago
Fluids Manufacturing

g [RESOLVED] game crashed on load

a month ago

Game was crashed on load (This link is linked to my shared OneDrive folder contain screencap and log)

a month ago

It seems like James-Oil-Processing is changing the icon of heavy oil in a way that makes it unfit to be used in mods that generate recipe icons at runtime, unfortunately I cannot fix this error as it seems Vanilla Galore isn't the only mod causing this problem. "space_age_galore James-Oil-Processing gas-boiler tiered-gas-generator vanilla_galore_continued Flare Stack maraxsis" all seem to have issues with this. (So I think this is more a bug for James oil processing.)

Would you disable that mod, your game should run without issues. Unless this error only came up when you installed this mod, is that so?

a month ago

Yes, the error happened when I installed both galore mod.

a month ago

I managed to reproduce the error, and it is indeed a compatibility issue between James' mod and mine. I tried to fix this, but I unfortunately did not manage to do this in a way that would make it future-proof. In order to not cause further issues, James' mod will be listed as incompatibility in future versions. Sorry about that. :(

I will look further into it in the future as there probably is a way to fix this, I have just not found it yet..

Thanks for the bug report! (´∀`)b

New response