Adds over 110 unique and balanced alternate recipes to VANILLA!
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Version: 1.1.31 Balancing: - Hard removed "vgal-car-chemical-science-pack" recipe. (Science recipes should encourange automating something; one does not need 5182 cars.) - Moved the "vgal-processing-unit-splitter" recipe to the "convoluted" recipe group. Bugfixes: - Fixed solid fuel recipes not allowing productivity. - Fixed "Galore Tech Node" not being properly localised.
Version: 1.1.30 Features: - Overhauled technology graphics with help from Andreus. - Added "vgal-barrel-battery" recipe, tagged as "silly". - Added "vgal-burner-mining-drill-electric-mining-drill" recipe. - Added "vgal-car-chemical-science-pack" recipe.
Version: 1.1.24 Features: - [LIB] Improved the custom extend function; now support split toggle-group definitions. Balancing: - "vgal-accumulator-chemical-science-pack" solid fuel cost increased 6 -> 12.
Version: 1.1.23 Bugfixes: - [HOTFIX] Fixed a game breaking bug that was VGALLIB hiding certain techs, even when needed by other mods.
Version: 1.1.22 Features: - Improved general locale. - Added more locale helpers to the included lib for SA-Galore support. Bugfixes: - Fixed the centrifuge icon being tintless even when "centrifuge-tint" isn't enabled.
Version: 1.1.21 Bugfixes: - Fixed the changelog version number. - Made the centrifuge tint dependency optional.
Version: 1.1.20 Features: - Added centrifuge recipes galore! (It has fluid ports now - huge thanks to Quezler for allowing me to use his graphics!) - Added a couple "silly" recipes to populate the new "silly" recipe group. They all default to hidden. - Added multiple ways to get renewable ores. They also all default to hidden. Bugfixes: - Fixed the "chests" subgroup. (It has been removed.) - Removed duplicate dependency.
Version: 1.1.12 Balancing: - Improved the "vgal-electric-engine-assembling-machine-1" recipe. Bugfixes: - Fixed rocket silo not showing recipe icon. - Fixed rocket part recipe showing in signal UI.
Version: 1.1.11 Bugfixes: - Add locale for module setting.
Version: 1.1.10 Features: - All recipes now should have proper crafting tints. Bugfixes: - Fixed a spelling error in the high temp oil recipes' name.
Version: 1.1.9 Features: - Improved the namespace. Bugfixes: - Fixed BZ support only working with specific settings. - Fixed BZ support causing a very underpowered advanced circuits recipe.
Version: 1.1.8 Features: - James oil support! - BZ mods support! - Added "vgal-heavy-oil-light-oil-petroleum-gas" recipe. (listed as unsure) Balancing: - "vgal-advanced-circuit-flying-robot-frame" now requires steel like the rest of the frame recipes.
Version: 1.1.7 Features: - Improved a few icons. Balancing: - "vgal-crude-oil-sulfur" time taken increased by one second. - "vgal-petroleum-gas-coal-heavy-oil" time taken increased by half a second.
Version: 1.1.6 Features: - Space Age Galore 1.0 support. Bugfixes: - Improved the unhiding of the rocket unit recipe.
Version: 1.1.5 Features: - More recipes added. (Nuclear/Oil) Balancing: - Severly reduced steam costs in many recipes. - "vgal-steam-advanced-oil-processing" time taken increased by 25% Bugfixes: - "James Oil" compat.. "fixed"
Version: 1.1.0 Features: - More recipe groups added, all toggle-able through the settings! Bugfixes: - "Coal processing" => "Coal liquifaction" in locale.
Version: 1.0.0 Features: - More recipes added. (I'm not listing them all..) Balancing: - "vgal-processing-unit-personal-roboport-equipment" ingredients changed. - "vgal-refined-concrete-utility-science-pack" renamed to "vgal-refined-concrete-low-density-structure-utility-science-pack". - "vgal-refined-concrete-low-density-structure-utility-science-pack" concrete costs increased. - "vgal-advanced-circuit-electric-engine-unit" removed lubricant costs but made the recipe more expensive overal. - "vgal-steam-concrete" time increased. - "vgal-steam-concrete" steam cost increased. - "fast-transport-belt-production-science-pack" concrete cost increased. - "electric-engine-assembling-machine-3" electric-engine cost increased.
Version: 0.2.4 Bugfixes: - Fixed the silo not having a fixed recipe even when only one recipe is avalible.
Version: 0.2.3 Balancing: - Rocket part recipes slightly adjusted. - Removed the solar rocket part recipe. Bugfixes: - Engine units cannot be crafted with ones hands anymore.
Version: 0.2.2 Features: - changelog.txt added. - /recipes-reload command. - Code that reloads recipes on game load. Bugfixes: - Fixed internal names of the "stone-wall-furnace-automation-science-pack" and "steel-plate-automation-science-pack" recipes. - Recipe updates not registering.
Version: 0.2.1 Features: - Space Age support through "Space Age Galore". - "removed" recipe group added. Balancing: - Analog circuits removed. - "vgal-heavy-oil-rocket-fuel" removed. - "vgal-plastic-bar-low-density-structure" removed. - "vgal-iron-stick-engine-unit" removed.
Version: 0.2.0 Major Features: - Initial release.