Territory Claim

You will have to pay for territory in this planet! Each terrain lot has a price you have to pay in items. Compatible with other mods that creates teams forces for pvp/pve. Now with terrain dispute.

a month ago
0.17 - 2.0

g Mod not working since 2.0.32

a month ago

Since 2.0.32 buying new land causes error. Money only option not working. Grid 1 x 1 also not working.
Please MFerrari, please fix Territory Claim.
Thanks in a advance.

a month ago

Could not reproduce. Please try the new version, and if there is still a crash, please show me the crash log screen, and I would probably need your saved game

a month ago

Thank you MFerrari :)
Now mod works properly. Even only money option.
Thank you for the quick response.

New response