Thanks for the quick response - sadly, it's spitting a new error (but hey, the old one got fixed!)
Error while running event territory_claim::on_configuration_changed
territory_claim/utils.lua:285: bad argument #1 of 2 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'pairs'
territory_claim/utils.lua:285: in function 'in_list'
territory_claim/control.lua:85: in function 'check_reset_prices'
territory_claim/control.lua:68: in function <territory_claim/control.lua:66>
Interestingly, it works fine when added to a save file that didn't have TC (doesn't spawn any territories to claim, understandably, but it doesn't error out), just this one save that had it all along.
If it's a dead savegame situation, c'est la vie, but I'm grateful for the effort.
(5 funny ol' bugs in the code, 5 funny ol' bugs, you take one down, send patches around, 7 funny ol' bugs in the code...)