Team Competition

Adds 19 PVP/PVE scenarios. Includes tons of admin options, diplomacy, team management, survival waves, a market system, and some solo compatible modes.

9 days ago
0.18 - 1.1

g One enemy force per player team

4 months ago

Can you please share more details on that feature?

4 months ago

Since I have to find out how to make my mod compatible with your mod regarding this feature.

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

The mod adds 8 enemy factions. enemy_1, enemy_2, enemy_3, etc...., On chunck generated, I change each enemy entity to one of these new enemy forces.
A suggestion: you cound find the nearest enemy unit to get the proper force to evolve, once a tech is researched. Use the team spawn location to get the nearest enemy

4 months ago

Please note that the game is not played on nauvis... if you think you need some remote interface, let me know

4 months ago

Determining the correct enemy force to evolve this way makes sense. I go for it.

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

Please note that the game is not played on nauvis... if you think you need some remote interface, let me know

Why should it be relevant which world you use?

4 months ago

Thanks for your interface "TeamCompetition"! So now I can check
if (remote.interfaces["TeamCompetition"]) then
and only then I do the complicated magic.

4 months ago

Hey MFerrari, could you please make function get_teams_spawn_positions() available via remote interface call?

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

When using "multiple alien forces" there are ALIEN_FORCES=8 and PLAYER_FORCES=8. Is it correct that the force 'enemy_1' is close to player_force_1, 'enemy_2' is close to player_force_2 and so on? If so, I could simply calculate the research progress of the players of team 1 (player_force_1) and then just overwrite the evolution for 'enemy_1' force. That way I do not even have to calculate which one is the closest enemy near the current player spawn point. Do you see any problem?

/c myteamnumber = "" game.player.print ("My own force: " .. string.sub(myteamnumber ,14,15))
give me "6" when I am in Team 6 using your mod.
So for that player the evolution of "enemy"..myteamnumber should be altered when something is researched.

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

I tried the following in the console:
/c local myenemy = game.player.surface.find_nearest_enemy{position = game.player.position, max_distance = 100} game.player.print ("myenemy " ..
But this give me "player_force_6" instead of "enemy_6". Mmmh....

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

After joining different teams and spawning several times, I noticed that its not as simple as player team 1 = neighbor enemy 1, player team 2 = neighbor enemy 2 :-(

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

So in the need I could really need some remote interface getEnemyForceOfPlayerForce

Or you start using enemy 1 for player force 1, enemy 2 for player force 2 and so on. Then no interface is needed.

4 months ago

Mmh ... Perhaps I "just" make a small mod that simply allows one spawn and one enemy per player and has no other options. Just for friendly pvp. With shared views.

a month ago

In the mean time I really did code my own little pvp mod: But I dont get shared radars to work at the moment.

12 days ago

Finally I had the time to add some interfaces: HasGameStarted, GetScenario, GetSettings and GetTeamInfo
You can get the enemy force with GetTeamInfo(player_force_name)

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