Stranded Block 2

Modified StrandedBlock from 1.1, meant to be used with other mods. Use chemical plant to extract resources from water. Rush steel for more chemical plants. You still need military to clear nearby island to expand. Incompatible with mods that adds some kind of new ore patches, but you can just add that in the recipe.lua yourself. The mod adds a Map Generation Preset ("Stranded Block"), you MUST use it or the game WILL crash

8 days ago
Environment Manufacturing

i Mining prod affecting ore extraction recipes

3 months ago

i thought itd be a neat idea for the mining productivity to no longer increase mining productivity but increase the productivity on the recipes added that make the resources which of course wouldnt count the direct to plate recipes but just the ore and crude oil ones.

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

that is actually a good idea
and maybe bump the plate smelting from 0.375 to 0.5