Spidertron Logistics System deprecated

Adds Spidertron requester and provider depots. Allows you to create a fully automated Spidertron logistics system. UPS optimized.

4 months ago
1.0 - 1.1

b Mega leg with the beacon

2 years ago

When placing the "Spidertron logistic beacon" onto the mouse cursor to place it, the game slows down to about 1 frame every 10 seconds instead of the normal 60fps in this game. Going to try a few things to try to figure out why...

2 years ago

Interestingly the minimap in the upper-right corner goes complete black when it's on the cursor.

2 years ago

From the main map/satellite view selecting the "Spidertron logistic beacon" causes the entire game view to go black, the GUI is still here however.

2 years ago

This is a Space Exploration game, and using the navsat view allows me to place a ghost of the "Spidertron logistic beacon" unimpeded, though I don't see any overlay around it showing its range that way. Perhaps that is what is lagging?

2 years ago

What's interesting is that when initially putting the item on the cursor in normal view then it's fine for a dozen or two frames but it seems to get lagger and lagger as a frame after those seems to freeze for a half second, then the next frame seems to freeze for 2 seconds, etc.... Seems exponentially growing...

2 years ago

Lag happens whether I'm standing in or out of the giant base bot network.

2 years ago

The game seems really slow, about 15ups for a few seconds after canceling holding the "Spidertron logistic beacon" via q to deselect it, then it speeds back up to 60 ups.

2 years ago

When placed it doesn't lag, hovering the mouse over it shows the range and that doesn't lag either, only when holding it it seems...

2 years ago

Ah so I see why navsat worked. Holding a ghost of it on the cursor doesn't lag, but also doesn't show the range overlay. Only holding the item itself, not its ghost, on the cursor is what lags.

2 years ago

Somehow the "Spidertron logistic beacon" when hovered over keeps swapping between connecting only to other nearby "Spidertron logistic beacon"'s and connecting to the bot logistics network when hovered over, then back again after a few seconds, and keeps swapping...

2 years ago

I have everything same.
Placing through Ghosts is ok.

2 years ago

But my game freeze entirely when taking beacon in hand (mouse cursor)

2 years ago

And yes, meant "Mega lag" in title... >.>

2 years ago

Any update or idea how to bypass this? Happens when I hold beacon in hand. How do i make ghost when I cant hold the item?

2 years ago

I don't have any lag. Can you send your save file?

2 years ago

It was probably because I used old save and wanted to update this mod to get rid of that inventory space resize bug (when picking up beacon in hand). Even though I completely deleted old mod, loaded the game without it, saved and then installed new version, it didnt work. When I tried new game with newest version it worked fine.
Im planning to start a new game anyway, so dont bother.

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