Space Age Galore

Adds over 180 unique and balanced alternate recipes to SPACE AGE!

8 hours ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod
Fluids Manufacturing

g [FIXED] "Cleaning" Recipes?

2 days ago
(updated 2 days ago)

Is there a reason for removing the order and subgroup from vanilla recipes? Within prototypes/subgroups.lua, the list of values "toClean"

Asking due to an error caused by the removal of those properties, one of which is used by Reverse Factory for making sure the melting recipes for recycled-fluid-items all appear immediately after the ice-melting recipe in the crafting menu.

Perhaps the more relevant question is why the order property is not re-added to these recipes, as they will otherwise appear in a completely random order in the crafting menu.

EDIT: I tried commenting out line 119, preventing the removal of the order property, and the game still loaded properly, with the recipes in a more vanilla order (though still separated by the new subgroup changes). Just to show that this property does not need to be removed in order to keep the rest of the crafting menu changes being made here.

a day ago

Is there a reason for removing the order and subgroup from vanilla recipes? Within prototypes/subgroups.lua, the list of values "toClean"

The cleaning is done because of how the recipe.order(and subgroup) override the recipe.main_product.order(and subgroup) properties.

In order to make the UI accommodate for the newer recipes I had to reorder most items and recipes. Because I didn't want to set the order/subgroup for both the solid-fuel-from-light-oil recipe and the solid-fuel item itself, I made it so the solid-fuel-from-light-oil recipe has no order/subgroup and instead uses the order and subgroup from the main_product, which I set to solid-fuel.

I now see that there actually is no need for removing the order property (And it looks way better that way), only the subgroups seems to matter, my mistake. (‘’❛ ؂ - „)ᕗ

I'll also re add the subgroup property based on the subgroup of the main_product, helping with some code stability.

So, will be fixed in the next update, thanks for the bug-report! (´∀`)b

a day ago

Thank you very much for the explanation!

For the time being, I have released a fix for the issue from my end, since it's possible that other mods might try to do something similar, though I am still interested to see how the crafting menu will look with the new update when it releases. I might even try playing with this mod, seems more complex than vanilla, but not as complex as something like Factorio 1.1 Bobs/Angels.

I like the idea of multiple recipes for the same products, reminds me of the various oil processing recipes, but for the entire game lol

a day ago

(bug reporter on reverse factory) I'm grateful to both of you for the compatibility fixes.

I like the idea of multiple recipes for the same products, reminds me of the various oil processing recipes, but for the entire game lol

For me, Galore recipes remind me of Satisfactory's alternate recipes, extra options to find optimisations that work for each player's individual factory layout and world generation quirks. It's a fascinating concept and I'm enjoying it greatly so far.

8 hours ago

Sorry for the delay, but the update is out! The number of recipes that had order/subgroup properties in the base game but not in Galore should now be zero. If you notice anything I missed, just let me know!

Thank you very much for the explanation!

This might be a bit random, but thanks for creating the More Long Inserters mod! If you look closely, you might even spot some of them in that messy Gleba image on the mod page :D

And to both of you - thanks for your kind words! (´∀`)b

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