Mods introducing new content into the game.
Version: 1.1.21 Features: - Added "vgal-quantum-processor-splitter" recipe, grouped as "silly".
Version: 1.1.20 Features: - Added "vgal-spoilage-sulfuric-acid-carbon" recipe.
Version: 1.1.15 Balancing: - "vgal-sulfuric-acid-processing-unit" is now hidden. It's still in VGAL though. Bugfixes: - Fixed the order of the alternate molten metals recipes.
Version: 1.1.14 Features: - Groups are now adding in this mod instead of having to be defined in VGAL(Vanilla Galore), makes tiny VGAL updates less frequent.
Version: 1.1.13 Balancing: - "vgal-solid-fuel-carbon" removed, will be replaced by a biological counterpart. - "vgal-solid-fuel-sulfuric-acid-carbon" solid fuel cost increased 3 -> 20. - "vgal-solid-fuel-sulfuric-acid-carbon" time taken decreased 8 -> 5. Bugfixes: - Fixed the "carbon -> crude oil -> light-oil/petroleum-gas -> solid fuel -> carbon" loop being carbon positive. (They still used other ingredients but this being net positive in terms of carbon does not feel right.) - Fixed a grammatical error in the changelog. (should -> so, v1.1.12) - Fixed the "silly" military recipes not being ordered correctly. - Fixed a game breaking bug that was VGALLIB hiding sertain techs, even when needed by other mods. (Listed here because of importance, actually all is done VGAL)
Version: 1.1.12 Features: - Improved general locale. (And alot of bugfixes) - Added the "ice-recipes" recipe group, replaces the "disable ice prod" setting. Balancing: - The "vgal-yumako-mash-light-oil" recipe can now only be crafted in the biochamber. Reverted from version 1.1.11, sorry about that. - "vgal-carbon-fiber-low-density-structure" carbon fiber cost doubled; 1 -> 2. - "vgal-molten-copper-carbon-fiber-low-density-structure" carbon fiber cost doubled; 1 -> 2. - "vgal-petroleum-gas-barrel-biter-egg" chance of getting barrel back reduced; 100% -> 90%. (I didn't add the recipes that long ago so it should be fine..) - "vgal-pentapod-egg-biter-egg-duel-biter-preferred" chance of getting barrel back reduced; 100% -> 85%. - "vgal-pentapod-egg-biter-egg-duel-pentapod-preferred" chance of getting barrel back reduced; 100% -> 85%. Bugfixes: - "vgal-pentapod-egg-biter-egg-duel-biter-egg-preferred" fixed internal name -> ..biter-preferred. - "vgal-pentapod-egg-biter-egg-duel-pentapod-egg-preferred" fixed internal name -> ..pentapod-preferred. - Fixed certain recipes not being correctly grouped as "silly". - Fixed alternate molten- iron/copper recipes being orderred differently.
Version: 1.1.11 Features: - Added compat with the Vanilla Galore 1.1.2 centrifuge recipes, they should be hidden in SA. - Removed dependency bloat. (BZ) - Added a couple "silly" recipes to populate the new "silly" recipe group. They all default to hidden. Balancing: - The "vgal-yumako-mash-light-oil" recipe can now only be crafted in the centrifuge. - "vgal-yumako-mash-light-oil" time taken reduced by ~70%. - "vgal-yumako-mash-light-oil" results amount increased by 50% to account for the missing prod bonus of the centrifuge. - Improved the "vgal-tungsten-plate-engine-unit" recipe by a ridiculous degree. (improved != buffed) Bugfixes: - Removed duplicate dependency. - Fixed the "vgal-tungsten-plate-engine-unit" time taken being way to short.
Version: 1.1.1 Features: - Added more biter egg recipes, can be disabled. (You can now set the recipe in a captive spawner!) - Added "vgal-holmium-ore-holmium-plate" recipe. Bugfixes: - Fixed the space platform casting recipe not having correct locale.
Version: 1.1.0 Features: - Added circuits from tungsten carbide. - Added more module recipes. (can be dissabled in the Vanilla Galore settings) - Added a partially plastic turbo belt recipe. - Added a partially LDS turbo belt recipe. - Added some miscellaneous recipes. - Removed "vgal-calcite-carbon-stone-brick" as crafting stone bricks in a foundry does not allign with the graphics. The calcite concrete recipe can stay as it is crafted in a assembler. Balancing: - Made it so semi-biological robots can now also be crafted in an assembling machine. Bugfixes: - Fixed some circuit recipes not able to be crafted in the EM-plant. - Fixed "vgal-yumako-mash-light-oil" being craftable by hand.
Version: 1.0.8 Features: - All recipes now should have proper crafting tints. - Added military science from both eggs recipe. Bugfixes: - Fixed the crude oil syntesis recipe not allowing productivity.
Version: 1.0.7 Bugfixes: - Fixed BZ support only working with specific settings. - Fixed BZ support causing a very underpowered advanced circuits recipe.
Version: 1.0.6 Features: - James oil support! (inherited from Vanilla Galore 1.0.8) - BZ mods support! (inherited from Vanilla Galore 1.0.8) Balancing: - Made it so "vgal-yumako-mash-light-oil" can now also be crafted in an assembling machine. Bugfixes: - Fixed the changelog listing the wrong recipe added. - Fixed "vgal-yumako-mash-light-oil" unlock not being in the right tech.
Version: 1.0.5 Features: - "vgal-spoilage-crude-oil" recipe added. - Improved many icons. - Improved many descriptions. - Made recipe names containing the word "from" more inline with vanilla. - Improved tungsten assembler recipes. Balancing: - "vgal-pentapod-egg-bioflux-stone" bioflux cost increased, result amount decreased by 33%. - "vgal-ammonia-water-crude-oil" water cost decreased. - "vgal-sulfur-ammonia-nutrients" result amount halved. (sorry) Bugfixes: - Fixed "vgal-sulfur-ammonia-nutrients" taking way to much time.
Version: 1.0.0 Features: - More recipe groups added. - Ammonia has way more uses. - ALOT more recipes added. (More than enough to make this version deserve the "1.0" title.) Balancing: - "vgal-carbon-sulfur-lubricant" lubricant results reduced, carbon costs increased. - "vgal-carbon-lubricant" lubricant results reduced, carbon costs increased. Bugfixes: - Fixed "vgal-high-temp-oil-processing-surface-conditions" locale. - Fixed Steam cracking recipes not being able to be crafted in biochamber. - Fixed "vgal-petroleum-gas-coal-heavy-oil" not being crafted in chemical plant. - Added locale of casting low density structure recipes. - Fixed amount not showing in title for multiple recipes.
Version: 0.2.9 Features: - Vanilla Galore 1.1.5 support. Bugfixes: - "James Oil" compat.. "fixed" - Fixed recipes showing in prod technologies, even when not enabled.
Version: 0.2.8 Features: - More recipe groups added, all toggle-able through the settings!
Version: 0.2.7 Features: - More recipes added. (Tungsten assembling machines) - Simplified startup settings. - Pressing settings added. - Vanilla Galore 1.0 support. Balancing: - "vgal-tungsten-carbide-heat-pipe" cost increased - "vgal-molten-iron-molten-copper-space-platform-foundation" cost increased
Version: 0.2.6 Bugfixes: - HOTFIX: Crash when rocket part recipes are disabled, /THIS/ time caused by the maraxsis compat script not knowing when a recipe is disabled.
Version: 0.2.5 Bugfixes: - HOTFIX: Crash when rocket part recipes are disabled, this time caused by the "vgal-unsure" recipe-group.
Version: 0.2.4 Bugfixes: - HOTFIX: Crash when rocket part recipes are disabled Balancing: - "vgal-flying-robot-frame-rocket-part" cost reduced
Version: 0.2.3 Features: - Nuclear rocket part ported from Vanilla Galore. - Maraxsis support improved. Bugfixes: - Uranium-based space science recipe surface conditions fixed. - Engine units cannot be crafted with ones bare hands anymore. Balancing: - "vgal-uranium-235-space-science-pack" time taken reduced.
Version: 0.2.2 Features: - "Maraxsis" and "Demolisher Scales" mod support. Bugfixes: - "vgal-calcite-stone-holmium-solution" recipe time fixed to be more inline with vanilla.
Version: 0.2.1 Major Features: - Initial release.