Space Age Galore

Adds over 180 unique and balanced alternate recipes to SPACE AGE!

3 hours ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod
Fluids Manufacturing

g [FIXED] Incompatible with "Planet Muluna" mod

28 days ago
(updated 28 days ago)

This mod and the Vanilla Galore is incompatible with
I have no idea if it can be fixed, but would love to have both mods running if possible, I really enjoy the multiple choices!

These two mods were not the issue, but would cause a crash when enabling the two other mods together.

28 days ago
(updated 28 days ago)

I just read through the github issue thread and it seems to be fixed now :)

Although I do have to say... I'm quite sure this issue is caused by my mods reordering many of the vanilla recipes a bit.(‘’❛ ؂ - „)ᕗ (Examples are the separate rows for science packs/circuits etc..) Although this problem seems to be fixed, I'll make the ordering script more compactible with any mod in future versions.

Thanks for the bug report and thanks for playing! (´∀`)b

24 days ago

It still happens with this mod, Mulana and then a 3rd mod like either tiered solar system or (

I have no coding experience, I just play the game, so I'm glad it makes sense to you guys, because I have no idea why your mod and mulana together interfers with a mod that tiers the planets, but somehow work fine together..

You are so very welcome, I really appreciate this mod so much. It revitalized the "vanilla" gameplay for me, making it more in line with space age, with different routes. I really love the diversity of crafting options, making the player able to choose which one they want to go down, instead of being stuck to same crafting layouts each and every playthrough. One thing I may want to suggest, is the more complex recepies being a tad cheaper, because of the complexity of the higher tiered crafting components, although that may already be balanced as such, I haven't looked at the exact pricing for the different crafting chains.

All in all, great addition to the game!

22 days ago
(updated 22 days ago)

It still happens with this mod, Mulana and then a 3rd mod like either tiered solar system or (

Unfortuantelly, I am unable to reproduce any error. I tried both [Galore+Muluna+Tiered Solar System], [Galore+Muluna+Cosmic Social Distancing] and [Galore+Muluna+Cosmic Social Distancing+Tiered Solar System] but no error came up. What is your modlist?

I really appreciate this mod so much

Thanks for your kind words, I'm glad to see you're enjoying the mod :)

One thing I may want to suggest, is the more complex recepies being a tad cheaper

If I may share some balancing secrets: Complex recipes (such as those using blue circuits instead of green) typically have a built-in productivity bonus of at least 25%. This means that if items worth, for example, 100 go in, the recipe produces results worth 125, more info here. This may not seem like much, but I also balanced around processing steps - the more processing steps involved, the higher the total productivity can be when using productivity modules. Space Age, in particular, pushes this to its limits with the new buildings.

But don't worry, your feedback won't go to waste! I've heard this from several people, actually. In response, a difficulty setting will be introduced in the future - both for those who find the recipes too convenient and for those who feel they aren't rewarding enough. Thanks for your suggestion! :)

16 days ago

"What is your modlist?"
..Are you ready?
Corrundum, Mulana, Secretas&Frozeta, Tenebris Prime, AAI Signal Transmission, Agri No Spoil, Alien Biomes, Alien Biomes Graphics, Alternative Beacons, Armoured Biters, Auto Deconstruct, Beacon Interface, Better StarMap Background, Big accumulator, Big Solar panel, cargo pad bonus research, castra, cerys, cleaned concrete, common prototypes graphics, concreep redux, configurable weapon slots, cosmic social distancing, even distribution, factorio library, far reach, flare stack, flaoting damage indicators, gun equipment, hurricane graphics, inventory repair, mech armor start, milestones, mining patch planner, module inserter extended, moshine, moshine (planet only), orbitalt transfer, organized solar system, P.U.M.P., planet arrakis, planetslib, pump anywhere, quality condenser, redrawn space connections, rpg system, SE space trains, spage age galore, stats gui, unlock rocket parts, vanilla galore continued, visible planets in sapce, vortiks big bertha artillery sounds, wood gasification updated, zoom based exoskeleton speed.....
Okay that's all I believe. But this for some reason works now I think..

You are completely right about the secret balancing, I just missed it completely. I do love the balance, it does not feel like it's "only I can only do this recipe, because the others are worse" it really is a choice to which I want to use and I love it!

15 days ago

Looking at your mod list, it does not give me any idea what may be the cause of the error.. Oh well, if it's working now I guess it's fine. Quite a weird bug.
(And thanks for your kind words!, I put way more time into balancing than I'd like to admit lol)

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