
Do you feel bored building the same science setup? If so that try this mod. The mod randomizes the science pack recipes and as such offers a new and refreshing gameplay experience. The recipes have been crafted to ensure that game is completable. Additionally, the mod offeres a variety of setting to tweak those recipes and keep the engineer on his toes.

1 year, 5 months ago


Why is this mod not compatable with "X-mod"?

There might be several reasons.

  • Some mods are not made to be compatable, please refere to Downloads/Dependecies for possible conflicts
  • The mod might not be supported yet. I am open to suggestions. Importaly please provide mod-name and mod-version.

Will conflicting mod such as Space Exploration, ever be compatable?

No there are 2 reasons on to why:

  • I have limited knowledge about these overhauls.
  • It may not be worth undertaking as it could be considered a disservice to the original mod maker who invested countless hours in crafting a unique experience.