Science pack dependencies

by Nidan

If a technology doesn't depend (either directly or indirectly) on the science packs it needs, these missing dependecies are added.

3 months ago
0.15 - 1.1

b [Bug] Not compatible with Angel Exploration

4 months ago

Since last update of Angels Exploration I now get this error:

17.988 Error ModManager.cpp:1625: Difficulty normal: Cycle in technology tree detected.
-> alien-research
-> angels-alien-artifact
4 months ago

` 9.259 Script @__science-pack-dependencies__/make_dependencies.lua:126: >> added prerequisite alien-research to angels-alien-artifact

4 months ago

The alien-artifact should be an exception that you should skip. Since you can FIND it to unlock a tech which then enables to produce the alien-artifact

4 months ago

I double checked the code. Can be fixed by modifying the following lines of code in your mod:

if not util.isempty(search) and name ~= "angels-alien-artifact" then
if not util.isempty(to_remove) and name ~= "angels-alien-artifact" then
4 months ago

Due to vacation I can't fix this a the moment, but since you already poked around in the code, I suggest changing line 523 in make_dependencies.lua to

    local sciencepacks = {["angels-alien-artifact"] = true}

and add any other death drops being used as science pack there as well. As result those items will be treated as being available from the start of the game and won't cause adding dependencies.

The proper fix for this would be to figure out how to identify death drops; I will have a look at that once I've returned from my vacation.

(When quoting code, I'd appreciate it if you'd give file and line number)

4 months ago

Your solution sounds more elegant. Just let me know when you fixed it. Until then I have Integrated the hotfix in my modpack mod by copying and fixing your file. I delete it when your mod is fixed.

3 months ago

Has todays fix fixed the problem with alien artifacts?

3 months ago

You were a little bit too fast… 0.2.13 should take care of loot drops in general.

However, I couldn't reproduce your crash with just Angels Exploration or using your modpack ( , after removing the copy of science-pack-dependencies), so there might still be something else lurking around.

3 months ago

You were a little bit too fast… 0.2.13 should take care of loot drops in general.

However, I couldn't reproduce your crash with just Angels Exploration or using your modpack ( , after removing the copy of science-pack-dependencies), so there might still be something else lurking around.

Ah, ok, then I wait. :-)

3 months ago

No need to wait. I was just redoing the upload and replying here while you posted your question.

0.2.13 should fix the issue and, while I'm pretty sure it should work for you, please report the results of your tests.

3 months ago

My I suggest that you upload an avatar to your mod? You can take this:

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