RP Warfare

Adds 11 unique turrets, 3 unique vehicles, some personal weapons, and an optional smelting system. With custom art featuring high-quality renders & animations. Most of the content is aimed towards early & mid game and is balanced around vanilla enemies. There are no "turret level 2's." Each is bespoke with different designs and tradeoffs. Compatible with Space Exploration & Krastorio

4 months ago
Transportation Combat

i setting to revert furnace recipe picker?

2 months ago

Any possibility to have an option to keep the furnace behavior as vanilla, where you don't have to pick up a recipe?

2 months ago

You can't have that if the ceramic pipes exist. Then the furnaces refuse to make bricks. That said, the pipes should probably be a separate mod with a disclaimer because they're basically only useful if you're using metal turrets + the fire biters mod.

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