RP Warfare

Adds 11 unique turrets, 3 unique vehicles, some personal weapons, and an optional smelting system. With custom art featuring high-quality renders & animations. Most of the content is aimed towards early & mid game and is balanced around vanilla enemies. There are no "turret level 2's." Each is bespoke with different designs and tradeoffs. Compatible with Space Exploration & Krastorio

4 months ago
Transportation Combat

g [fixed] How does the Clockwork Garrison pickup work?

5 months ago

The Clockwork Garrison says it'll pick up broken Warriors, but I can't figure out how.
The Garrison itself only seems to have the ammo inventory, and trying to unload with an inserter only unloads ammo.

5 months ago

It tosses a carcass somewhere nearby the tower. You need to surround it in belts to catch them. Otherwise you would need to go collect them from the battlefield. It's a little silly and I wish I had a better way to do it but programming it is a pain.

I think it's kind of fun to collect all those bleeping barrels though.

5 months ago

One problem I found is that sometimes they'll drop within the boundaries of the tower itself, so even belts can't grab it.

A boring but practical solution might be to have it output like a miner does?

4 months ago

I've improved the "drop stuff on the ground" logic in the latest release. It's not foolproof but is much more likely to land on belts.

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