RP Warfare

Adds 11 unique turrets, 3 unique vehicles, some personal weapons, and an optional smelting system. With custom art featuring high-quality renders & animations. Most of the content is aimed towards early & mid game and is balanced around vanilla enemies. There are no "turret level 2's." Each is bespoke with different designs and tradeoffs. Compatible with Space Exploration & Krastorio

1 year, 1 month ago
Transportation Combat

b Cannon Turret Dmg research

2 years ago

The Cannon Turret appears to not be buffed by the Physical Projectile Damage researches. (nor by any other researches)
The tank/cannon bullets do, but the Cannon Turret does not receive any bonus, unlike the Gun Turret, Car, Steam Rifle Turret, Pneumatic Cannon and Tank.

I assume this is a bug.
If not, why is the Cannon Turret excempt from having upgrades?

2 years ago

I thought a lot about it and intentionally omitted it. I think vanilla has gun turret + ammo bonuses to make the player weaker over time. It's a nudge to make the player automate defenses. This mod is aimed at people who really enjoy fighting the biters. We don't need the nudge. If the biters have broken through we want be able to personally turn the tide.

The cannon and missile turrets are already very strong because they use weapons balanced for the player. You can have dozens of turrets covering a front line vs a single player. They also do splash damage. So the +100% tech bonus goes a long way.

The other turrets upgrade with guns for compatibility with other mods. If they add bonuses to guns then they should also improve nail ammo.

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