RP Warfare

Adds 11 unique turrets, 3 unique vehicles, some personal weapons, and an optional smelting system. With custom art featuring high-quality renders & animations. Most of the content is aimed towards early & mid game and is balanced around vanilla enemies. There are no "turret level 2's." Each is bespoke with different designs and tradeoffs. Compatible with Space Exploration & Krastorio

1 year, 1 month ago
Transportation Combat

b [fixed] Krastorio2 incompatability

2 years ago

I cant load factorio with this mod and krastorio 2 if i remove this mod its fine


2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

if i disable krastorio its fine and if i disable this mod its also fine but i cant use both

2 years ago

ok i think it might be caused by space exploration

2 years ago

The funny thing is I tested K2 & space x independently but not together. I'll try and take a look in the next day or two

2 years ago

It's a bug with Krastorio 2 that only shows up with my mod added. They change the max range of the cannon ammos but miss an edge case in the Factorio API that mine adds.

Line 595:  data.raw["ammo"]["cannon-shell"].ammo_type.action.action_delivery.max_range = 50

The issue is that ammo_type can also be an array of subtypes. They programmed it assuming it was always in the simpler format. My mod adds special turret-only subtypes to the ammo that don't do friendly fire damage. I can probably work around this by putting K2 as an optional dependency to trick Factorio in loading it first.

2 years ago

That did it. I'll upload a bugfix

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