RP Warfare

Adds 11 unique turrets, 3 unique vehicles, some personal weapons, and an optional smelting system. With custom art featuring high-quality renders & animations. Most of the content is aimed towards early & mid game and is balanced around vanilla enemies. There are no "turret level 2's." Each is bespoke with different designs and tradeoffs. Compatible with Space Exploration & Krastorio

1 year, 1 month ago
Transportation Combat

g [closed] pistol, machine gun and gatling turrets?

2 years ago

Hi there,
I will definetly try this. But also: what do you think about tiers of turrets that are not just coloured, but look different?
For Example, C&C style flamethrower turrets and tesla coils, or gun turrets with automatic pistol, machine gun, and vulcan gatling cannon tiers.
I know its not much, but i pledge a 5€ tip for the gun turrets and another 5€ for C&C RA turrets.

2 years ago

I'm currently working on adding drone defense turrets that work kind of like StarCraft carriers. There's a lot of work involved in adding each turret type because I'm trying hard to avoid just making tinted versions of everything.

My short term plan is to finish the next 4 planned turrets and clean up animations on two others. I haven't totally decided what to do next after those are finished but I'm leaning towards adding new enemy types.

I provide Factorio renders for many turrets, even ones not used in this mod. You can try and make your own mod that adds new turrets using them. I'm not actually a 3D artist though so I need to purchase the source files for everything. I then piece them together like Legos and render them using a custom tool chain. So if I don't already have source material to make the turrets I'll need to buy them, animate them, render them, upload them, and then give them life through Factorio scripting. Each one represents hours and hours of work.

2 years ago

I am aware of the difficulty. Used to watch a friend years ago modding mugen characters. Painstakingly adjusting every sprite..

How do I find these turret renders? I have not tried modding myself, apart from fiddling with some values ^_^'

2 years ago

The renders are included as mod dependencies. The RP Art Util mod has the logic to actually use them in mods.

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