Reverse Factory

by Kryzeth

Reverse Factory machine will recycle (uncraft) nearly any item placed inside. Supports the recycling of most, if not all, modded items. Fully featured integration with Bobs Mods, Industrial Revolution, and Fantario (independently, not simultaneously)

2 days ago
0.13 - 2.0

g [1.1/Wont Fix] Error when trying to pick up a reverse factory

13 days ago
(updated 13 days ago)

Getting fatal error in line 113 of the Control.lua file - "expecting table got null". Any idea what might be causing this? I'm playing the Nullius overhaul mod on v1.1.

13 days ago
(updated 13 days ago)

I'm not really supporting outdated versions of the game (considering the massive rework that had to be done for Factorio 2.0), but line 113 is part of the script that removes recyclers from a global list that is used as part of the automatic ingredient push (which pushes partial recipe ingredients to the output slots, like attempting to recycle 1 underground belt, when it was made in pairs). The list might have become corrupted in some way that some thing doesn't exist when it was expected.

Simplest fix (since I don't plan on updating for older versions of the game) would be to disable the automatic ingredient push, under the mod settings of an existing game. I think it's under per map settings. That will prevent these parts of the script from running.

11 days ago

Kryzeth - thanks for looking into it, and I totally understand the move to the latest version - I got hooked on Nullius just before 2.0 came out so will be playing that for a while before joining the 2.0 crowd. For now I just uninstalled the mod, but if I decide I need it again, I'll try it out with that auto ingredient push feature disabled to see if that let's it work.

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