I don't speak Chinese, but there is a feature included in the mod: "Automatic Ingredient Push" (may appear as "unknown-key: settings.rf-autopush" or something like that, in the map settings). This feature automatically pushes items from the input slot to the output slot, if the original recipe produced multiple of those items. Like a basic yellow transport belt produces x2 belt when you craft it, so it requires 2 belt to be recycled.
For your example, assuming space age is enabled: Space science recipe produces x5 space science bottles per craft. So you need to put in 5 space science bottles at once to be recycled. If your inserters are too slow and can't put in 5 at a time, then they will just get pushed to the output slot without being recycled.
You can fix the issue by adding more inserters, faster belt, circuit conditions, increasing the delay in the settings (may appear as "unknown-key: settings.rf-delay") to a higher number, or simply disabling the feature entirely in the settings.