Reverse Factory

by Kryzeth

Reverse Factory machine will recycle (uncraft) nearly any item placed inside. Supports the recycling of most, if not all, modded items. Fully featured integration with Bobs Mods, Industrial Revolution, and Fantario (independently, not simultaneously)

2 days ago
0.13 - 2.0

i [Implemented] Please bring back the fluid output!

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

After reading the announcement thread I must ask: jank or not, having the intermediate products list now cluttered with essentially unneeded items is very annoying. Playing with my friends we initially thought they were from space age (the solid form of all fluids) and we couldn't figure out where it was coming from since we didn't yet leave nauvis or know what to do with them, only to realize it was from this mod.

An option to switch between the new and old (or even a "destroy any fluids" mode - anything would be preferred over this frankly) would be very very much appreciated. We use this mod to mainly correct other people's mistakes like forgetting to cap chests and crafting stupid amounts of silos or exoskeletons by accident in the background.

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

I believe those solid items should be marked as "hidden" from the player crafting menu, and only appear in the Factoripedia, within circuit conditions, or within the chemical plant crafting menu (for converting solids back to fluids). Apart from those locations, there shouldn't be any visual 'clutter' (since I agree that would be quite annoying). If it is appearing in the player crafting menu, then that would be a bug

Fluid output itself would be a worse solution, since it would require manual emptying of pipes (with multiple resultant fluids attempting to occupy the same pipe, it's just an annoyance).

Disabling solid fluids via setting should be possible, should just require a few more if statements. That would make it almost identical to the vanilla recycler, in that case.

a month ago

They also appear in the remote view "ghost cursor" menu which is now quite frequently used with working remotely on planets.

As for the fluid management, I had a design that would handle most cases (at least of what we needed) via circuit networks to barrel up what came out and add it back to the refinery. On our last map (before the 2.0 update) we just hooked an infinite pipe as a universal drain since realistically nobody needs that 10 barrels of lube or whatever, so I guess that's another vote for ditching fluid output entirely.

And yeah, it would make it almost identical... minus the requirement for the dlc, the exclusive use on a single planet and the hardcoded return rate as you mentioned :)

Your mod is far more preferred in our and I'm sure many other people's case - we don't use it as a gameplay loop modifier, but as a glorified undo button and excess storage chest junk cleanup

a month ago

...use it as... a glorified undo button and excess storage chest junk cleanup

This is basically how I've always used it, one of the biggest reasons I picked up this mod from its original author, and continued updating it throughout the years. Just wanted to recycle those unneeded pistols and chests and steel furnaces which couldn't be upgraded into anything useful, without having to just shove them in a box and execute them lol

I added the solid fluid recycling setting; it's on by default, but can be disabled (even without changing the balance setting). You do lose out on a bit of extra functionality that I added to the fluid recycling; recipes which required molten metals returned those metals as items, and recipes which used water would have returned ice, but that's all too tangled into my fluid handling functions, couldn't be easily extracted, so I just left it that way. It's a minor trade-off, but notable enough to mention

Added in v9.0.11

a month ago

Thank you so much for accommodating this! You have no idea how much it irked me having to inform new people that those are in fact not part of the game. Also since you mentioned useless components, I have to vent:

pistols no longer having a recipe

CHRIST how annoying this change was as 2.0 struck and we started playing (and dying) vanilla. I eventually found a mod that added its recipe back (just so I could then deconstruct all of them with your mod!)

Would you consider including this as an optional feature within this mod as well? (bringing the pistol recipe back so it can be un-crafted) Or would it be out of scope?

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

I actually noticed that in my most recent update, and it was one of the many changes I made. The recipe hasn't actually been removed, it's only been hidden (which is why my mod didn't pick it up, since hidden recipes generally don't appear in the game at all and shouldn't be recycled).

I included the ability to recycle the pistol, but I don't think I'll be unhiding the pistol recipe itself; that would indeed be outside the scope of this mod lol.

a month ago

Sounds good to me, not like I WANTED to craft more pistols, although it would be amusing since they too can have quality apparently. Regardless, I just wanted to deconstruct them like before, so cheers for adding this as well!

New response