Reverse Factory

by Kryzeth

Reverse Factory machine will recycle (uncraft) nearly any item placed inside. Supports the recycling of most, if not all, modded items. Fully featured integration with Bobs Mods, Industrial Revolution, and Fantario (independently, not simultaneously)

3 days ago
0.13 - 2.0

b [Incompatible/Unfixable] Pyanodons Error: Cannot serialise ttype=function

4 months ago

Cannot serialise ttype=function 9.04
Py Compilations
stdlib by Kryzeth
space age disabled

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

Huh, that's unusual... and a very unhelpful error. I actually don't understand what this error means or what could be causing it. The logs don't really mention anything, except showing me that I mistakenly attempt to add quality module technology without checking if quality module exists. But otherwise, I have no idea what pypostprocessing is doing that causes Reverse Factory to display this error.

4 months ago

5.813 Loading mod reverse-factory 9.0.4 (data-final-fixes.lua)
6.177 Error ModManager.cpp:1733: Failed to load mod "reverse-factory": Cannot serialise ttype=function

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

Unfortunately, the verbose log doesn't help me in any way. All I see are a bunch of attempts by other mods to add ingredients and technology unlocks without checking if those exist, but nothing from my own mod. Even running pypostprocessing by itself with Reverse Factory causes the error, and it doesn't give me a line number or function name or anything else that might be useful in tracking down what the issue might be.

I've opened a discussion on their page here, which might eventually help me track down the problem, or might just result in being marked as an incompatibility from their side, if they can't help. I don't see this specific error message anywhere else on their discussion tab, so it must be something unique to this mod.

As I understand it, there will be no solution to this problem or what?

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

No new information has been revealed between then and now. Looking at their changelog, they seem to have much higher priorities with getting their mod fully functional, before they can really spend any time looking at mod compatibility.

If I don't know what it is that I need to fix, then I can't fix it.

So yes, there is currently no solution, until the py team has a chance to check what the issue might be. I could ping them again, since it's been about a month since their last response, but considering they are still regularly cranking out fixes, I really don't think I will get any response.

3 days ago
(updated 3 days ago)

I have officially given up hope that the Py team will ever respond to this issue, and have simply decided to mark PyPostProcessing as Incompatible.

It's an unfortunate conclusion, but without knowing the cause of the error, I can't fix it, and since it only happens with their mod, and they don't seem to care about fixing it, there's just nothing that can be done.

Sincerest apologies to everyone who wanted to use any of my mods with Pyanodons, but because they all share the same core issue, they will all have to be made Incompatible, whenever the next update for each of them is required.

New response