Reverse Factory

by Kryzeth

Reverse Factory machine will recycle (uncraft) nearly any item placed inside. Supports the recycling of most, if not all, modded items. Fully featured integration with Bobs Mods, Industrial Revolution, and Fantario (independently, not simultaneously)

5 hours ago
0.13 - 2.0

b [Fixed] Error uranium mags

2 months ago

Hi, I installed the stdlib mod from google drive, and now I get this error:

Error while loading recipe prototype "rf-uranium-rounds-magazine" (recipe): IngredientPrototype must be a dictionary and contain "type" property.
Shorthand format using an array is no longer supported in property tree at ROOT.recipe.rf-uranium-rounds-magazine.ingredients[0]
Modifications: Reverse Factory.

What could this be connected with? Thank you in advance for your help, and many thanks for the mod, it was a real pleasure to use.

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

There's a version of Reverse Factory that was included in the Google Drive, it contains a temporary fix for that issue. The original v9.0.0 uses a function that I simplified and doesn't work properly anymore, but the v9.0.1 in the Drive should work just fine. I wasn't sure if I should upload it to the mod portal or not, since it relies on an unofficial stdlib update that may get overwritten by Nexela (if he ever returns)

The previous dependency has been replaced by my own unofficial fork. This change will likely be permanent. Error should be fixed as v9.0.2

2 months ago

Oh, hell, yes, it works! Thank you very much!!!

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