Reverse Factory

by Kryzeth

Reverse Factory machine will recycle (uncraft) nearly any item placed inside. Supports the recycling of most, if not all, modded items. Fully featured integration with Bobs Mods, Industrial Revolution, and Fantario (independently, not simultaneously)

2 days ago
0.13 - 2.0

b [Intentional/Unfixable] Krastorio 2 Advanced Radar cannot be recycled

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

The following items don't recycle. When I try and put them Reverse factory 4, I get the message, "[item name] cannot be smelted":

  • Advanced radar (from Krastorio 2)
  • Solid fuel
  • Fuel (from Krastorio 2)

Sorry if they've been covered elsewhere

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Assuming that you are not running any other big mods, apart from Krastorio 2.. 2 of those 3 items appear to be working as intended. There are multiple recipes for Solid Fuel (one from petroleum, one from light, and one from heavy). In terms of the actual code, none of these recipes have the same name as the solid-fuel item (they are all called something along the lines of "solid-fuel-from-petroleum"), thus there is no definitive recipe to reverse for this mod. The Krastorio 2 fuel has the same issue, as it can be made in different ways, and has no specific recipe to be reversed.

You would need something like the Recycling Machines mod, which adds reverse recipe for each and every possibility, at the cost of having to define the recipe in an assembling-machine type of entity. So you would not be able to just unload a chest full of junk into it, like a smelting-machine type of entity (which is what Reverse Factory is)

Considering that the primary point of the mod is to recycle items which cannot be used in any useful way (like old guns, armors, etc); and both fuels can be used as... well, fuel; it would be outside the scope of this mod to fix this issue.

As for the advanced radar.. there is a similar issue; item name does not match recipe name, so no reverse recipe is generated. I don't actually know what the recipe name is, and I could not find a reference to that name in the Krastorio 2 code. So I'm not sure if I can fix this.

If I knew what the recipe name was, I could make a manual entry, forcing the reverse recipe to be generated, but without it...

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