Reverse Factory

by Kryzeth

Reverse Factory machine will recycle (uncraft) nearly any item placed inside. Supports the recycling of most, if not all, modded items. Fully featured integration with Bobs Mods, Industrial Revolution, and Fantario (independently, not simultaneously)

2 days ago
0.13 - 2.0

g [Fixed?] latest update problem

2 years ago

I have my settings set to give 100% returns on recycled items. but I'm only getting 1 of each item/liquid regardless of what the number is supposed to be

2 years ago

It does indeed do so. Apparently Kryzeth broke something else while fixing the previous problem.

2 years ago

Okay.. that's unusual. I'm actually not getting this issue with my minimal testing. Must be some weird interaction between mods? Or it only affects certain types of recipes? I'd need to know what kind of big mods you might be running (bobs, angels, etc)

2 years ago

Okay, done some testing, and for some reason (I wouldn't know where to start looking for it) this armor mod is the cause in my case:

Again, no idea why or how, but now I know. Fortunately, it's not a necessary mod so it's disabled for now. Still strange that they didn't conflict before...

2 years ago

Hm, that should help narrow down the issue, even if the other person isn't using the same mod. I'll test this tomorrow when I can

2 years ago

I do not speak English, so I use DeepL.

Ver. 8.1.3, func.lua, line 616, "return possibleGrid" seems to be bad.
Disable "Recyclable power armor/vehicle" or
Ver. 8.1.3 Remove line 616 of func.lua and it should work as expected.
(You can also make it a comment by writing "--" at the beginning of the return possibleGrid statement)

2 years ago

I don't use that mod, but tons and TONS of other mods, and some big ones like AAI industries, Space Exploration and Krastorio 2 being some of the biggest ones. and it's all items I put in, regardless of the mods. That day this was the only mod I'd updated

2 years ago

Same issue, running SE and a few other mods. Reversion to the second most recent version fixed it.

2 years ago

I was able to recreate the issue, and it seems that a certain variable (the one that checks if a recipe has items with equipment grids) was not being properly overwritten for some reason. Not sure why, but isolating that variable to be local only appears to have fixed the issue, without affecting its functionality.

Should be fixed as of v8.1.4

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