Reverse Factory

by Kryzeth

Reverse Factory machine will recycle (uncraft) nearly any item placed inside. Supports the recycling of most, if not all, modded items. Fully featured integration with Bobs Mods, Industrial Revolution, and Fantario (independently, not simultaneously)

4 hours ago
0.13 - 2.0

g [Possibly Fixed] Recycled fluid handling

5 years ago

i have a general recycling setup using 6 T4 machines, every so often the machines will get petrol or lube in them can i have resorted to using void pipes to empty them, i'd rather filter and train off fluids. But the outputs cant be filtered due to the no mixing thing. any advice?

5 years ago

....oh damn. I never really thought about that... I mean, I guess it wasn't an issue until the recent fluid updates in Factorio... hmm... that's a toughie. Maybe there's some kind of fluid filter somewhere on the mod portal? I honestly don't know how to fix this easily, without looking up some kind of fluid mechanic abuse that allows me to get around this.

5 years ago

Not sure how this could work for modded liquids, but what about another building they can empty into that has internal storage and dedicated output pipes? kinda like a refinery works? wouldn't be to bad for vanilla fluids, i think I've only ever seen petrol, water and lube come from recycling.

I tried the fluid filter mods i could find, but both of them conflict with assembler pipe pass through mod, and i'd rather have the pass through.

it's no big deal, i'm losing a negligible amount of fluids from recycling, but feels more cheaty using the void pipes to empty them.

5 years ago

I like the sound of that assembler pipe pass through mod, I didn't know such a thing existed.

I think depending on the mod, it could produce pollution, but yeah, I would prefer being able to pull those fluids out. Otherwise, if they just have to be voided anyways, there's no point in producing them, and I might as well just remove them from the products list, which would really suck.

I can definitely look into adding an entity like that, though anything larger than vanilla probably wouldn't be feasible. I'll take a look into some of those fluid filter mods, and see if I can't reverse engineer something similar that is also compatible.

5 years ago

Pipe pass thru is extremely useful but conflicts with a number of mods. i'm Up to 5 mods that conflict with it.

5 years ago

I vote for the suggestion from a comment further down.. Barrels. I'd be very happy with the reverse factory being a barreller. Even if it deletes partial barrels. 75 fluid gives one barrel, 110 gives two.

5 years ago

I'd be happy with that too, run a supply of plates to the machine for it to make the barrels with.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Hmmm, an interesting suggestion.. although it would have to be a little weird. The current recycling machine is considered a "furnace" entity, in-game, which means it can't accept more than one input. (the second input you see in the crafting menu is actually just the fluid input; it's still only "one thing at a time")

If I turned the fluids into the base game "fluid barrels", then you would basically be getting a free barrel when you un-barrelled it in an assembling machine. I would have to make a sort of, "one-time use fluid barrel" item that is created in the recycler, and then make custom recipes that simply destroy the item form, to output the fluid (likely in an assembling machine).

That should theoretically work, with no "extra" resources needed, just a regular assembling machine to "unbarrel" the fluids. Kind of like one of those item-to-fluid converter mods. Hmm... this would take a bit of work to code recipes for every possible fluid, but it's definitely simpler than trying to figure out the pipe pass through mod.

I have a day off tomorrow, so I should hopefully be able to get this out soon enough.

5 years ago

That sound good, keep up the great work!
I'm currently re-tooling my base so I can uninstall the pass thru mod. I like it and it makes certain things so much better, but it just conflicts with to many other cool mods.

5 years ago

What you got there? A bag of oil.

5 years ago

nah a Bucket of Lube. Considering the small quantities that are possible if lets say an express belt is recycled. a Bucket or Can item would make more sense.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I said bag because of the small quantities, lol. Google: soda in a bag.

Edit to fix autocorrect. Also, lol at your first sentence.

5 years ago

Ha, i didnt know that was a thing. Last time i saw a bagged liquid was milk in grade school

4 years ago

Since as far as I can tell no solution for this has been implemented yet, allow me to make another suggestion ... the existing building could easily have as many as 9 fluid outputs (3 on the 'back' and 3 on each 'side'). Change the existing building to have at least 4 fluid outputs (add one at the back corner of each side) and make those outputs so that they are user assignable to specific fluids. Then (a) there is no fluid conflicts to worry about (b) the user can define output fluid paths based on their needs.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Unfortunately, there have been no Factorio updates that alleviate this issue, or provide any solution.

The main problem is how furnace recipes have been changed. It used to be that you could recycle a chain of random items without emptying the machine, so long as it had empty slots. This changed at some point in development (around 0.15, 0.16, or 0.17) to where the machine would just stop working if the previous recipe didn't match, and the output slots were not empty. The other slots are only used if the recipe has that many ingredients.

This means you have to empty the machine before it can process another recipe. Meaning the fluids have to be ejected as well, and they will always be ejected to the first slot. Meaning, a pipe that has the fluid from the old recipe, will prevent the fluid from the new recipe from being ejected from the machine. Meaning that the machine stops working.

There's no way to manually assign output pipes, at least, not as far as I can tell. Pretty sure they didn't implement GDIW into base game, considering how the Oil Refinery still works. Which means... there's still no vanilla solution to the issue. You either void the fluids, or find another mod that "sort" fluids.

I know that a pump will forcibly empty the pipe behind it, leaving it empty for the next recipe. But then you have to find some way to empty the pump, without simply kicking the can further down the road. There needs to be a fluid sorter to make this work properly.

EDIT: I'm also sorry that I never came back to fix this issue. The only viable solution still seems like a lot of work, for not a lot of gain (especially considering my primary purpose for the mod)

4 years ago

Well I for one, and I suspect most others will agree, appreciate your mod even with the fluid issues.

1 year, 9 months ago
(updated 1 year, 9 months ago)

Do you know a way to order fluids?
For example:
If the factory reverses one item to acid, then another to water, how can I create something that based on the fluid sends it to one tank instead of another? Thank you

11 months ago

Finally decided to give this one a go, added a new setting in v8.2.1, which forces all fluid results from the recycler into item form, which must then be processed in an assembling machine (t2 or higher) to be converted back into fluid form.

Alternatively, if using certain auto-unbarreling mods (list is in the changelog and main page), then they must be converted in those machines instead (this is to hide the recipes from the assembler crafting menu)

This setting is disabled by default, since the graphics are copied from base, and I thought the fluid icons moving along a belt might be a bit... jarring. It should be compatible with most other mods, but I haven't gone as far as to test them all myself, since there would be a TON of recipes to check.

11 months ago
(updated 11 months ago)

Ahhhhh, this might be why everything is so confusing to me at the moment; you see, I'm used to recycling the plain silver science packs from S.E. and getting cosmic water from them, (and set up a pipe away & store in a tank for later space stuff in orbit, as I don't use barrels so much, at some stages, I can use excess science packs, tho' recently I decided to try out the barreling machine mod, to push me to use barrels more; again, useful in S.E. for mining). Aaaanyway, I got very used to the recycling including fluids and setting up for that; now having to have a secondary "barreller" is a really nice workaroud, although cosmic fluid still vanishes.
I really appreciate your mod and all the wacky things I can do with it, same as Bitviper, its always on the install list whenever I have to scratch the Factorio Itch.

Edit: I Reverted to 8.1.14 and my spaghetti set up, for this playthrough, but I want to try another later with the new system to see what wacky hijinx I can get up to.
Again; cheers for a fantastic mod that makes all sorts of outside the box stuff possible.

11 months ago

I was actually looking into using the auto barreling mods as a potential solution to the mixed fluid output issue, since they could take any fluids out of the output pipe, allowing for different fluids to enter after each recycling. The only problem being that barrels require 50 of the base fluid, and most reverse recipes would produce less than that amount, meaning that it would still clog.

Turning the fluids into item form was the simplest solution, though maybe not the most elegant... which is why I implemented it as an "opt-in" setting. So you should be safe to update to the latest version without worrying about breaking anything in your save (unless I misunderstood, or there was some other issue with my updates since 8.1.14?)

10 months ago

Nope, everything after '14 seems great, I'm just too lazy to get used to a new system, if something makes a liquid or gas byproduct when recycling, I just pipe it away and store it for later use, I kinda like the challenge of keeping the pipes and tanks neat and semi-logical as well, 14 has 3 possible outputs for liquids/gases, and so far, I've yet to need to recycle anything that uses 2 tops, and its so rare that I've forgotten what that might be. Cheers tho!

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