Reverse Factory

by Kryzeth

Reverse Factory machine will recycle (uncraft) nearly any item placed inside. Supports the recycling of most, if not all, modded items. Fully featured integration with Bobs Mods, Industrial Revolution, and Fantario (independently, not simultaneously)

4 days ago
0.13 - 2.0

b [Fixed] Automatic ingredient push not working

5 years ago

I've got some Reverse Factory 3's not pushing their ingredients when there are less than the recipe calls for. It is enabled in settings which are left at their default values. They keep getting stuck and I have to manually remove them so they keep working.

I enjoyed making this logic to handle my excess stored buildings and components. Anything that takes more than 1 to deconstruct has that included in the logic (like underground belts requiring >= 2). I get an alert when there is something in storage but nothing being deconstructed so I go and add more Decider combinators. It was working a couple days ago but starting yesterday they stopped pushing ingredients

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Your setup makes me smile lmao. I wonder why you have loader out, but not loader in?

But anyways, hm, that's odd... after they get stuck, what happens when you put another incomplete ingredient in? This behavior seems to imply that either they aren't in the "list" of recyclers (which is checked every few ticks/seconds for incomplete ingredients).

If this is the case, then breaking them and replacing them should fix the issue. Upgrading them to a higher tier (or downgrading then re-upgrading them back to the same tier) might also fix the issue?

EDIT: If you still have the save, I'd like to take a look, since I can't seem to reproduce the issue in a fresh save. It might be something specific to a modded recipe, or something that happens rarely after playing for long enough.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Here is my save. It has quite a few mods. I just noticed I removed the barreling pump for removing lubricant so some Reverse Factories are probably stalled by that, but there is one factory which has a single conveyor belt and isn't pushing that belt out.

I'm going to try rebuilding them to see if that works then I'll try upgrading them

EDIT: Oh and the inserter in is because the inserters seem to know what goes in. If I used loaders in then it could become clogged by items that don't go together like 1 conveyor belt and 1 copper wire, the inserters would only put 2 conveyor belts in or 2 copper wire in

EDIT 2: Rebuilding them fixed the ingredients not pushing

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Ohhh, that makes sense.

But yeah, I was wondering if it was just the coke, and then I saw that last single belt. Considering replacing them fixed the issue, I'm thinking something is breaking between the initial placement, upgrading recyclers, and/or loading the game, that kicks them off the list. Though I was sure I had a function to scan the world and put all recyclers on the list...

Looking into the save, hopefully learn something soon.

EDIT: Found the problem. My scanworld function was looking through every surface, and finding every recycler on that surface, but then overwriting its data before actually putting it in the global table. So it would only ever pick up the recyclers on the last registered surface.

This function only ever runs on loading an existing game, so recyclers would always work properly when initially placing them down. It wasn't until you reloaded the save that they would stop working correctly.

Anyways, fixed as of v6.1.4

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