Reverse Factory

by Kryzeth

Reverse Factory machine will recycle (uncraft) nearly any item placed inside. Supports the recycling of most, if not all, modded items. Fully featured integration with Bobs Mods, Industrial Revolution, and Fantario (independently, not simultaneously)

4 days ago
0.13 - 2.0

b Funny Pycoal "Bug"

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

For the longest time I was annoyed with the coal dust I got from PyCoal because I usually refine my coal (normal) to more efficient forms like Coal Bricks or Coal Stacks using Yuoki/Angel's and Pycoal's Coal dust is not the same as Angel's and/or Yuoki's Coal dust...meaning Pycoal's Coal dust usually ended up being stored in chests and subsequently destroyed.

Untill the day I discovered this mod and found out that 10 Coal dust (Pycoal) would refine into 5 Coal. So though not efficient at least it allows me to use it.

Then after a long while of not being able to update properly I finally could update this mod and it caused a headscratching "bug"

The issue is this
10 (Pycoal) Coal dust still refines into 5 coal BUT >>
4 (Pycoal) Coal dust refines into....drumroll .... 4 Pycoal Coal dust. Yeah you saw that right....Reverse factory actually just spits it out as is again UNLESS you put in MORE than 10 at a time at which point (if you keep the input stack at 10+) it will function normally. This causes an issue where if you EVER have less than 10 Pycoal Coal Dust in reverse factory it crashes the recipe and just spits it out again, then takes the next 4 and spits that out again.

Do you have any Idea if I can fix this myself and/or if you can fix it?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Woah, that's definitely.. weird. It sounds like... I feel like there shouldn't ever be 2 reverse recipes for the same item, because the way I create these recipes, is to take an item from the list of all items (EG, Pycoal dust), look for it in the list of all recipes, and if there is an exact match, to create a reverse recipe for that item.

For items that can be produced in multiple methods (such as Angel's ores, or certain refining methods) the recipe is actually named something else internally, so they don't conflict with each other. These recipes are never looked at, because they don't match the internal name of the item.

The only way to have 2 different reverse recipes for the same item... I guess, if that item has 2 different recipes, with the same name? Like they might be made in different machines, and since they're from different mods, they might happen to share the same name. Although that is definitely weird...

So the mods in question would be Yuoki's, Angels, and PyCoal? Maybe Bobs? Any other compatibility mods I might need? Like there's definitely a few for PyCoal and Angels, and I think Yuoki's has a few mods that affect its tech tree.

So a list of any and all mods that might affect the coal dust items/recipes, and any mods that might alter those mods, would definitely help to narrow down the issue. A long term solution would probably require a bit of an engine tweak, very complex things. As for a simple solution... there's an easy way to disable the recipe entirely, but that wouldn't really help with the issue of Pycoal dust being useless.

Using stack inserters with stack size greater than 10, pulling from a box, and being disabled if the box has less than 10 coal dust would technically circumvent the issue, by ensuring there's never less than 10 coal dust being put in to the machine. Or if you don't mind it affecting recycling times, you can also increase the timer for Automatic Ingredient Push Delay (or whatever it was called, under Mod Settings), so your inserters have more time to input items before they get auto-ejected from the machine.

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