Reverse Factory

by Kryzeth

Reverse Factory machine will recycle (uncraft) nearly any item placed inside. Supports the recycling of most, if not all, modded items. Fully featured integration with Bobs Mods, Industrial Revolution, and Fantario (independently, not simultaneously)

2 days ago
0.13 - 2.0

i [Implemented] Recycling efficiency functionality

6 years ago

This reverse factory is IMHO nice but a bit OP as you get all resources back.

Can you add a function to have recycling efficiency calculation? Lets say 40-60% efficiency for tear 1 and 60-80% for tear 2 reverse factory?

This could be configurable in the mod settings, so people can choose to go with 100% efficiency.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

The only scenario I can see in which the reverse factory could be considered OP, is when you exploit the mechanic in tandem with an assembling machine with production modules, such as infinitely recycling green circuits back into wire and iron plate, then recraft it for a small production boost, and repeat. And even then, this process of infinite resources would require massive amounts of power to scale up to amount to any real bonus production.

The primary purpose of this machine (and the reason I kept updating it after being abandoned by the original mod author) is to recycle items such as pistols and burner miners, things that can't be turned into anything useful (so you don't have to put it in a box and shoot it).

In theory, I could add some sort of efficiency calculation to the reverse factory, to make it not perfectly disassemble... but that functionality already exists Recycling Machines mod by DRY411S. It's not quite as good as this mod, since the type of entity it is requires that the recycling recipes be shown in the crafting menu at all times. But it does natively include that functionality you desire.

However, if you still really want me to make a function like that for this mod.. maybe it might be fun, I'll consider it if you poke me about it again. It might not be as difficult as I imagine. And it could be a good excuse to look at percentage-based recipes.

6 years ago

I've started to use recycling after i made 100+ centrifuges by accident. Recycled them and all junk (like burner miners/inserters/guns etc) to continue at the cost of power (which is free w/ solar).

With >20% loss in recycling, i would have to think before destroying resources -or- expand/explore into biter territory. This is more an early-/mid-game problem than a late game issue where resources are less of a concern (>10M patches).

So for me recycling efficiency would add another (small) layer of challenges to a modded game but make it also a bit more realistic. If you want I can try to help - still learning lua

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Yeah... I can say that I made an attempt, but implementing this sort of feature is just way more effort than it's worth, at least with the way I have things coded currently. I think I'd have to do a total rewrite of the mod, just to possibly be able to begin implementing this feature.

Maybe when Factorio updates to v0.17, since that update will most likely break this mod, so I'll have to rewrite it anyways, then I might attempt to implement efficiency, but definitely not now. Sorry.

5 years ago

+1 on efficiency :)

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Oh wow, I completely forgot about this. Factorio 0.17 released at a pretty busy time for me, so I just updated as quickly as possible, changing as little as possible. I really do need to do a complete rewrite of this mod, there's a lot of lengthy and unnecessary code, and I could make it more manageable, and easier to read.

And of course, a rewrite would allow me to implement this efficiency feature much easier. I'll probably make it an option, in that case.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

As of reverse factory v6.1.0, an efficiency percentage setting has been implemented (set to 100% by default). If there are any errors with this setting (crash on load, results not reducing, etc), please report them here (or in a new thread for visibility).

Please note that if a recipe would produce 1 ingredient, then it will still produce 1 ingredient regardless of the setting. Can't do partial products very easily, unfortunately. But simple things like having 50% efficiency setting and recycling an item that would produce 10 ingredients will properly set the results to 5.

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