Reverse Factory

by Kryzeth

Reverse Factory machine will recycle (uncraft) nearly any item placed inside. Supports the recycling of most, if not all, modded items. Fully featured integration with Bobs Mods, Industrial Revolution, and Fantario (independently, not simultaneously)

2 days ago
0.13 - 2.0

g Item cannot be smelted - not passed through.

6 years ago

Just playing with the mod - great work thanks! Found a bit of an issue though. When I'm feeding the reverse factory from a belt and the factory comes across something that cannot be broken down (e.g. Ores, or Crates from Deadlocks mod), it doesn't get passed through the machine. Despite clearing the 'blockage', the machine never restarts and has to be removed and replaced for it to start up again.

Any chance on the machine being able to pass through the items that it cannot process? Even better, any chance of the machine having two outputs, one for items that have been broken down and another for items that cannot be broken down?


6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Unfortunately, the second option is somewhat not possible, since there's no way I can "define" an output to be a script only output. At least, it wouldn't visibly appear to be script-only.

However, as to the first suggestion, I should have some code that does that exact thing, pushing things that can't be recycled into the output slot. I would have to ask if perhaps you have that option disabled in the settings?

I'll take a look for myself, but I'm pretty sure it was working the last time I checked. Something might have changed in Factorio that has broken this code though. Or I just didn't check as properly as I should have. Either way.

EDIT: Sorry about not following up on this, but I recently got a job, and had to do a lot of back and forth over the last week or so. I should have some free time this weekend to take a look at this issue.

6 years ago

Hmmm.. I think I see what you mean. The feature I added is still working fine, but only for items that craft in pairs, like trying to recycle 1 yellow belt will simply get passed through, since the recipe makes 2 yellow belt.

The problem is for items that the machine won't accept at all, they will remain on the belt, and prevent new items from reaching the machine. (unless you meant coal and stuff is literally stuck in the input slot of the machine, which should not happen, and is more of a real bug).

I can't really do anything, except suggest maybe using a buffer chest for items to be filtered through before the machine, and have bots carry out some of those undesirables.

New response