Reverse Factory

by Kryzeth

Reverse Factory machine will recycle (uncraft) nearly any item placed inside. Supports the recycling of most, if not all, modded items. Fully featured integration with Bobs Mods, Industrial Revolution, and Fantario (independently, not simultaneously)

2 days ago
0.13 - 2.0

i Optionally allow script clearing of input?

7 years ago

I read the reason why you disabled the scripts checking and clearing the input of the recycler. I appreciate that you are trying to remove / limit sources of desyncs and I thank you.

I was wondering though if it would be possible to optionally allow that functionality to be toggled at the user's own risk through the mod options? I play on a single player world and I would love to have the ability for my recyclers to automatically deal with not having enough product.

7 years ago

Ahh, I see. I think I can probably do that. I really haven't had time to test things out as of late, but I can probably do that thing by tomorrow (it's late tonight). Maybe I might even be motivated enough to actually fix the thing in mp lol

7 years ago

That would be really great. I have a factorissimo factory dedicated to your recycling mod and I would love to be able to just input stuff and get the output without having to micromanage the inside.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Oooh, really? Even I haven't actually used the thing for more than just simple uncrafting of things like burner drills and pistols lol. I can't imagine what it would be used for in a factorissimo building :D

EDIT: Anyways, single player option update is live! And now actually functional!

7 years ago

I have a bank of deciders outside the factory building. I would have had them inside but I can't seem to get the circuit connections to carry logistics contents signals from the outside through to the inside.

I have the deciders each tied to a different thing and then I set the levels I want to keep above and set the output signal to be that item and the amount to be the input amount. Which happens to be any amount above the level I want to keep.

I run a green wire from one roboport, set to report on the contents of the logistical network to one the input of the closest decider and then from there to the inputs of all of the deciders.

Then I connect the output of all of the deciders together with a red wire and run it into a requester chest configured to set it's requests based on the circuit network.

Doing that the chest then request dynamically exactly how many items I need to recycle until I reach my threshold level for each item.

7 years ago

That sounds rather complex :O

7 years ago

Inside it's even more fun :). I have a passive provider inside connected to the circuit network which reads the contents.

Then at each of my "recycling banks" as I call them, there is a requestor chest connected to the same network configured to set its requests based on the contents of that passive provider. So each bank requests whatever it can and the bots deliver as they may.

Now that the automated not enough ingredients script works the banks work quite well because once they determine they can't do anything with their input the spit it out and 'pass the puck' if you will until there is a recycling bank which can do something with it.

As far as the logistical drones go, they scale naturally based on demand. So I only ever have the exact number of drones required to maintaining the highest operating condition of the plant and no more.

If you would like blueprint strings I'd be happy to provide them.

7 years ago

Maybe the whole save and modlist lol. It sounds... fun X3

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