Reverse Factory

by Kryzeth

Reverse Factory machine will recycle (uncraft) nearly any item placed inside. Supports the recycling of most, if not all, modded items. Fully featured integration with Bobs Mods, Industrial Revolution, and Fantario (independently, not simultaneously)

2 days ago
0.13 - 2.0

g Failure on startup

7 years ago

Otherwise a fine mod I never play without, but when I try to add on the storage cubes mod I get this error:

"Error while loading recipe prototype "rf-ammo-cube" (recipe): No such node (icon)"
If it makes it any easier, instead of fixing whatever is causing this (assuming it's with this mod instead of cubes), I'd be perfectly happy with RF outright being able to ignore entire groups of recipes from Storage Cubes and potentially other mods. I'll edit the lua(s) myself manually if you'll tell me what to change/add.

7 years ago

Link to mod? I can't find anything under "storage cubes", or anything with "cube" name in general. I have a strong feeling that this is the same problem as here where another mod modifies the recipe table in Data-Final-Fixes after my mod has already created reverse recipes. I can't know in advance which mods do this, but adding an optional dependency to the other mod from within this mod ensures that it loads after the other mod.

As far as I know, there is no simple way to exclude recipes from being accessed by this mod, except by making the name of the recipe and the name of the item different (a lot of work on the other mod's end) or by coding a system of exclusion (requiring effort on both sides, for little gain). Or just tell me the name of the other mod and I can update this mod to load after, easy peasy :D

7 years ago

You can't find it on the mod portal, but it is on the forums:
Thanks again, and also for the quick response.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Hmmm, it seems the problem is a bit deeper than a dependency. From what I (and my mod) can tell, the cube recipes have no icons. The other mod has an.. interesting way of making dynamic icons, but it's in a wrong format for this mod to read it. Seems I will have to figure out a way to try to ignore its recipes.

Looking into how the mod is meant to work, it makes sense to not have reverse recipes for it; there's no reason to. Will release update soon.

7 years ago

Thanks for the quick update, now I just need to get research queue to play nice with it. Most likely option is to poke the storage cube dev to change how their icons are made, given that I think that's the same problem. At least now you have a way of dealing with mods that add their own circular recipes.

7 years ago

I didn't really end up doing it that way, I just added a check to ensure that the recipe specifically has an "icon" as opposed to an "icons", which is what storage-cube uses. If no "icon" is found, the recipe is skipped. It really has nothing to do with circular recipes, which are.. well.. as long as it doesn't crash, and works as intended :D

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