Reverse Factory

by Kryzeth

Reverse Factory machine will recycle (uncraft) nearly any item placed inside. Supports the recycling of most, if not all, modded items. Fully featured integration with Bobs Mods, Industrial Revolution, and Fantario (independently, not simultaneously)

2 days ago
0.13 - 2.0

g Crash when placing the factory

7 years ago

Seeing this error when placing the reverse factory:

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

getting same error:
Error while running event on_build_entity (ID 6)
_reverse-factory _/control.lua:56: attempt to index global 'rf' (a nil value)

not sure why it is doing this it happens every now and then does not appear to be consistent? happens when you put the factory on the ground.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

...okay, need some background information.
-Did you start a new game with Reverse Factory already installed, or did you install it onto a pre-existing game?
-How long have you played with the mod installed before this error came up?
-Did you happen to have any other Reverse Factories placed down as you placed another one that caused an error, or have you only ever used one at a time?
-Does it tend to happen right after a load, or well into a play session (after multiple places/removals)?

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

I've had it installed since before I started my own game, personally, but I updated it just recently.

It happened the moment I placed the reverse factory after the recent update and keeps happening. This doesn't happen after creating a brand new game, and it can be placed and used without issue.

I have a reverse factory in another save that still works and was present before I updated to the newest version. It's entirely functional and I can continue to build and place them in any save that already had one built, as well as new saves post-update.

Didn't matter whether I placed it immediately after loading or well into a play session (I got a crash after playing 4 hours straight, and I got a crash immediately after a load). Only seems to be able to be newly placed in new games after the update.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

So the error consistently happens in a preexisting save game, which had updated from a previous version, when no other reverse factories had been placed, at the time of the update?

Uploaded a potential fix. Will check if "rf" table exists (and create it if it doesn't) before attempting to access it, when being placed. Even though I have it set to create the table "on_configuration_changed", which should occur whenever the mod version changes.

7 years ago

Woo! It works just fine now! Thank you very much for the prompt fix, Kryzeth!

7 years ago

Glad to hear it, you are very welcome!

7 years ago

I also got the same error, which was weird as I had already had a couple of the reverse factories placed (it was my third which casued the problem). Since doing the update, the factories don't do anything at all, they just sit there and if you try and put anything ddirectly in them it says that "XXX cannot be smelted". Any ideas ? Anything I can do to help debug this ?

7 years ago

This fix I did here seems to have fundamentally broken the entire mod (to the point where I can't get it to load in-game anymore), despite the fact that it worked perfectly at the time of the original upload. I'm not sure what happened that broke it, but performing the same change (adding a check for recipe.icon) causes an error on start up for me, so I can't fix it.

I uploaded v3.3.5 (which is v3.3.3 in disguise) which most definitely still works, so you can "update" to that. v3.3.4 was only to fix compatibility for a single mod, which wasn't even listed on the portal, so I doubt anyone will notice (aside from the other commenter here)

7 years ago

Ha.. 8 seconds after my post a new update, which works perfectly. Many thanks, and nice work.. much appreciated..

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Lmao, you got lucky. I just noticed the issue from other users a few minutes ago, tried to figure out what broke and why, decided the "why" was too much work, and just rolled back to an earlier version, lol. I'm glad to hear that it works though! Will most likely be staying on this version for the foreseeable future (until Factorio v15, that is! :D

New response